Sonic Charge Microtonic v3.1.1 MacOSX-PiTcHsHifTeR

PiTcHsHifTeR | August 19 2015 | 34.7 MB
Microtonic (a.k.a. µTONIC) is a VST / AU plug-in for Windows and Mac featuring a unique drum and percussion synthesizer combined with a pattern based drum-machine engine. You can use Microtonic as a sound module to play drum sounds from your MIDI keyboard or sequencer, or you can use the built-in pattern engine to play drum patterns in sync with your sequencer. The sound of Microtonic is 100% synthetic and rendered in real-time. No samples or pre-rendered waveforms are used.
We are convinced that you will find Microtonic thoroughly unlike anything you have heard or worked with so far.
—Install microtonic from v.3.1.1 dmg
—Copy ked files to default dır’
—Have FUN!!
P i T c H s H i f T e R
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