Sonic Charge Microtonic v3.1 Incl SN (WiN and OSX)
WiN 13.2 MB | OSX 13.4 MB
Microtonic (a.k.a. µTONIC) is a VST / AU plug-in for Windows and Mac featuring a unique drum and percussion synthesizer combined with a pattern based drum-machine engine. You can use Microtonic as a sound module to play drum sounds from your MIDI keyboard or sequencer, or you can use the built-in pattern engine to play drum patterns in sync with your sequencer. The sound of Microtonic is 100% synthetic and rendered in real-time. No samples or pre-rendered waveforms are used.
We are convinced that you will find Microtonic thoroughly unlike anything you have heard or worked with so far.
- First fully 64-bit compatible version.
- Supports MIDI CC out for updating MIDI controllers with current parameter values.
- Supports MIDI CC for mutes as well as MIDI keys.
- Supports using MIDI CC to perform pattern edits.
- Drum patches that are loaded from factory preset folders are now referenced to with relative file paths meaning that it will be easier to use the drum patch browser to change patches in factory presets.
- Signed packages on Mac OS X.
- Name of DLLs changed from MicroTonic(Multi)VST.dll to Microtonic(Multi).dll only. Name of plugin is Microtonic from now on, not ?Tonic or MicroTonic. Logotype is still ?TONIC.
- Fixed a bug where MIDI events occurring simultaneously would be processed in incorrect order, e.g. a note with 100% legato could stop the next note with its note off event.
- Max length of program name reported to host is 64 characters.
- De-initializes and releases all resources when last instance is removed from project.
- Updated to latest support libraries. Lots of minor stability and compatibility improvements.
- In the file browser, drum patches are previewed on the individual outputs that they will load into.
- Supports automatic online registration through Sonic Charge Authenticator.
- New skin. Bigger. Beautifuller. Spacier. Space is the future.
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