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Jamplay Jazz Guitar with Matt Brown TUTORiAL
<<<<<<<<<<< 22-02-2025, 02:01 >>>>>>>>>>
Jamplay Jazz Guitar with Matt Brown TUTORiAL
P2P | 22 February 2025 | 4.41 GB Matt Brown explains the fundamental concepts involved in jazz guitar…

Goosi Spectral Atmospheres Vol.1 WAV
<<<<<<<<<<< 20-01-2025, 15:09 >>>>>>>>>>
Goosi Spectral Atmospheres Vol.1 WAV
FANTASTiC | 20 January 2025 | 66 MB here are some pretty sick atmospheres! they work well as song starters or…

UVI Soundbank WaveRunner v1.4.4 Falcon Workstation
<<<<<<<<<<< 25-01-2025, 12:33 >>>>>>>>>>
UVI Soundbank WaveRunner v1.4.4 Falcon Workstation
Team DECiBEL | 25 January 2025 | 9.29 GB A multitude of synths, drum machines and rare prototypes of esteemed…

Truefire Christopher Galen's Easy Guitar SongPack: Country Vol.1 TUTORiAL
<<<<<<<<<<< 5-01-2025, 07:17 >>>>>>>>>>
Truefire Christopher Galen's Easy Guitar SongPack: Country Vol.1 TUTORiAL
P2P | 05 January 2025 | 3 GB Learn How To Play 5 Easy Country Songs Christopher Galen's highly popular Easy…


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10-04-2019, 13:11

PG Music The Pianist Complete Collection MiDi

PG Music The Pianist Complete Collection MiDi

P2P | 10 April 2019 | 45 MB

The pianist (from PG Music) is a series of programs developed in the 90s, for Windows 95 to XP and therefore are no more compatible with our modern computers. It remains however the awesome collection of midi files, interpreted by great pianists that I invite you to rediscover.


  Views: 1739
10-04-2019, 10:10

Stereo Productions Iberican Tech House Sergio Fernandez WAV

Stereo Productions Iberican Tech House Sergio Fernandez WAV

Stereo Productions Iberican Tech House Sergio Fernandez WAV | 83.5 MB

Stereo Productions releases their first ever Sample Pack for electronic producer and music makers under their own sounds library label 'Stereo Productions SoundsPack" with one of their outstanding Iberican producers, Sergio Fernandez!


  Views: 643
10-04-2019, 10:03

Deeperfect Records Deeperfect's Tech Vocal Vol.07 WAV

Deeperfect Records Deeperfect's Tech Vocal Vol.07 WAV

FANTASTiC | 17 February 2016 | 42 MB

Deeperfect Records is following their collection of vocal, grooves and sounds packages. That release includes samples with two differents bpm 125 and 126 plus a selection of singles sounds ready to use.


  Views: 802
10-04-2019, 09:51

2DEEP The Crate Diggers Reloaded WAV

2DEEP The Crate Diggers Reloaded WAV

FANTASTiC | 08 March 2017 | 763 MB

'The Crate Diggers Reloaded' is a full blown 10 track album packed with complete instrumentals for you to chop and flip to your liking. Sounds included are inspired by the old Sci-Fi and Horror soundtracks and Progressive Rock LPs, making it perfect sampling material for Hip Hop producers.


  Views: 961
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live The Mixing Coach Episode 1-4 TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live The Mixing Coach Episode 1-4 TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 6.87 GB

Brian Scheuble and Roy Silverstein sit down and talk about mixing with EQ being the main focus. Brian Scheuble, an engineer with an extensive career will walk us through every step on how he aproaches the mixing process. In this particular episode, he talks about EQ. This show will consist of a series of videos where Brian and friends will help you take your mixes to the next level.


  Views: 880
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live The Science of Mixing TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live The Science of Mixing TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 6.02 GB

DR Ford illustrates how understanding the science behind audio can really improve your mix! DR Ford opens a session of his own to illustrate how he improves a mix, including vocal mix tips, theory on how to work with drums from tracking to mastering, and parallel processing philosophy. DR Ford is an expert on being more effective while using less processing, and he shares philosophy and tips that have helped redefine his approach to mixing. By the end of this seminar, you’ll know the importance of understanding the science behind audio, and how to “separate the magic from the mojo”. You’ll learn DR Ford’s original theory on how the golden ratio applies to mixing, why we use the rule of 3, why lyrical mixing is so important, and the transient vs. sustain theory. He not only shows us how he mixes in Pro Tools, but he also explains the science and the “why” behind his actions.


  Views: 839
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live Vocal Session with Great Success TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Vocal Session with Great Success TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 4.28 GB

Learn and watch as vocalist Lauren Silva demonstrates vocal care and singing techniques. We invited Lauren Silva, a professional vocal coach to give us a class focused on singing. If you are a producer or an engineer this knowledge will help you run a vocal session with great success. Also, if you want to learn singing techniques, proper care of your voice and tips relevant to tracking vocals at the studio, this event is for you!


  Views: 754
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live Award Winning Production Techniques TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Award Winning Production Techniques TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 5.97 GB

In this episode, Sebastian Krys demonstrates and talks shop about audio engineering and music production, including topics from songwriting and pre-production to mixing techniques, and general advice for succeeding in the industry.


  Views: 858
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live Pro Tools Authority TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Pro Tools Authority TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 12.2 GB

In this course Pro Tools expert and audio engineer Cato Zane will give you a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of Pro Tools. Pro Tools expert Cato Zane will teach you the fundamentals of Pro Tools in detail covering all the basic recording, editing and mixing tools and techniques available. This comprehensive course will get you on the perfect to Pro Tools mastery.


  Views: 729
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live The Importance of Pre Production TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live The Importance of Pre Production TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 4.83 GB

Learn from Bobby Owsinski as he teaches his approaches and techniques for pre production with a band while explaining and showing the major differences this part of the recording process can make when approached correctly.


  Views: 700
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live Tips for Recording Basic Instruments TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Tips for Recording Basic Instruments TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 5.61 GB

Important things to consider before getting into the actual recording of your basic instruments. Jose Dabdoub shares important tips and concepts to keep in mind before or while recording an instrument. He also shares tips for recording acoustic guitar, electric guitars, and bass.


  Views: 634
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live Artist development and A and R TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Artist development and A and R TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 5.96 GB

In this episode, A&R guru and record producer Mark Mazzetti discusses all things related to artist development. Tune in to this episode for some valuable artist development and production knowledge from Mark Mazzetti, A&R guru, record producer, and expert on all things related to artist development. In this episode, Mark discusses the process of making a record, from the perspective of both the artist and as an A&R exec. Watch this episode to learn about the different members of a good music production team, and how to fit yourself into a good production team. The episode starts with Mark’s background and with a definition and discussion of what his current job and role entails. He talks us through different perspectives on the discovery process, pitching a demo, and the artist development process. You’ll learn about the A&R process, including extensive detail and valuable advice on the pre-production and arranging processes. Throughout the episode, we use a couple of tracks by the band, Black Tie Stereo, as examples for our discussion. For added perspective, we are joined in studio by two of the band members, as well as the engineer for their current record, Brian Scheuble. Sprinkled throughout, you’ll hear stories from Mark’s experience with artists like The Police, Janet Jackson, and Sting. This episode covers everything from details on engineering the Black Tie Stereo tracks with Brian, to valuable information for musicians on how to get their music out there. There’s so much valuable information in this episode; you won’t want to miss it!


  Views: 745
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live Digital Audio Masterclass TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Digital Audio Masterclass TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 1.6 GB

At the end of this course you will have a confident grasp of THE key audio production elements that WILL undoubtedly make YOU a better engineer. In the past 5 years teaching audio, it’s interesting to see the common gaps in knowledge that our students have. And we understand because people nowadays purchase software and start recording, and there is no one there to guide them, just very specific youtube videos. We’ve gathered the most essential information you can get to have a solid foundation in digital recording.


  Views: 698
9-04-2019, 19:48

Pro Studio Live Ultimate Compression Guide TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Ultimate Compression Guide TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 891 MB

With the help of the master, Bob Horn, we developed THE guide to help you understand what a compressor does, and how to use it properly in a variety of instruments. Over the years, we found that compression is one of the most difficult things to learn when it comes to mixing. This is why we finally took the lead and partnered with Bob Horn, one of the most loved engineers by the Pro Studio Live audience and developed this Ultimate Guide on Compression. Learn from the hands of a professional engineer who is already mixing for some of the biggest records you hear out there. After watching this class you will be able to understand and master compression like never before. Bob will not only explain what the controls are and how to use them, but you will develop your skills on What to Hear and How, so you can start applying these techniques to your mixes right away.


  Views: 934
9-04-2019, 19:46

Pro Studio Live Mixing EDM TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Mixing EDM TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 3.96 GB

Learn and watch as recording and mixing engineer Ian Sutton deconstructs an EDM Mix and demonstrates his mixing workflow. EDM is an explosive genre of music that's capturing youthful audiences around the world. In this episode of Pro Studio Live, engineer Ian Sutton walks us through the process he employs when working with an EDM style track. Watch as he demonstrates the tools that he likes to use, as well as some techniques he has refined for his particular workflow to bring together all the elements of a dance track. In this mixing session you'll learn about drum processing and synthesizer effects, how to organize the tracks in your session, vocal effects and how they play into your final mix, as well as getting to hear some real-life stories and experiences that Ian has had during his career.


  Views: 833
9-04-2019, 19:46

Pro Studio Live A Guide to Microphones TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live A Guide to Microphones TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 2.75 GB

You'll gain invaluable information in this interview that will help you learn more about microphone care, use and maintenance. David O Brown is probably one of the 4 best microphone specialists in all of the USA. He has studied and worked for NASA, and is one of the most prestigous microphone technicians around. David has worked for artists such as Stevie Wonder and Celine Dion, among others. This interview is more than a documentary. It is a microphone guide, and it will add great value to any sound engineer, music or producer. In this guide, you'll learn how to care for microphones, and important things to consider when purchasing a vintage microphone. You'll also learn the differences between dynamic and condenser mics, and between tube mics and Fet mics. David also covers issues like transformers, mic modifications, and some microphone history.


  Views: 631
9-04-2019, 19:46

Pro Studio Live Ableton Live Production Techniques TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Ableton Live Production Techniques TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 2.14 GB

This course is a comprehensive overview of Ableton Live 9 with San Diego dubstep and electronic music producer Convulsic. It is designed to cover some of the most important features of this very complex production software suite. Starting from the ground level, we broke this course into four sections of forty-five minutes each. Each section will become more advanced than the previous section. Remember: The theories and practices being taught are not the end-all be-all as far as Ableton is concerned. This course is designed to show you one way of doing things, so that you can take these principles and implement them into your own workflow. In this episode, we cover Ableton preferences, setup, templates, window panes, audio vs. MIDI, and keyboard shortcuts and controls. He also covers details about different effects in Ableton, using drum racks, entering MIDI notes, racks, grooves, and freezing and flattening plugins. You'll also learn details about EQ, compression, reverb, sends and returns, warp modes, and layering in Ableton. Convulsic also goes into some more advanced topics, including automation, macros, clip envelopes, dummy clips, racks on racks, finding inspiration, and putting it all together.


  Views: 750
9-04-2019, 19:46

Pro Studio Live Business Skills and Mixing Techniques TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Business Skills and Mixing Techniques TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 7.06 GB

Tune into this episode to learn some extremely valuable business and audio advice from DR Ford. He explains some essential advice, from tips on running your own studio, to advice on marketing, and how to price your services. He discusses what to look for in a client, how to get ahead as a music producer or engineer when you’re first starting out, and how he preps for his first meeting with a client. He also covers some great exercises for evolving and tuning your ear as an engineer, and gives us some tips for mixing. Tune in to learn some great theory about mixing, including how the golden ratio influences mixing, how human psychology influences mixing, and how he treated each instrument in his example mix for this episode. It’s an extremely informative episode for anyone looking to make a living off engineering or producing.


  Views: 676
9-04-2019, 19:46

Pro Studio Live Creating Convolution Reverbs TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Creating Convolution Reverbs TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 1.59 GB

Dan Maier will guide you through all the steps to create convolution reverbs out of a real life room. In this event, we have created impulse responses with Dan Maier, professor within the Audio Production Department at Art Institute, San Diego. Dan covers a brief overview of what an IR is, why it's useful, and describes how to create it. You'll learn what the technology is used for, and how it is connected. Dan covers how to setup mics and a loudspeaker in the studio for this process, how to capture IR via Logic's IR utility, and how to deconvolve and preview. You'll also learn how to record an acoustic instrument in the studio using close mics along with room/ambient mics. The episode also covers how to simulate the studio's acoustics by creating a Space Designer setting in Logic, and A/B for comparison.


  Views: 620
9-04-2019, 19:46

Pro Studio Live Dubstep Production TUTORiAL

Pro Studio Live Dubstep Production TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 2.23 GB

For the beginner to advanced producer, this course will teach you common methods used by top producers. Remember : This is not the only way to make a track. There are many different ways to produce music, and they are all correct. This course is designed to give you tips that will help you in your own productions. If your current workflow is different, that is completely ok. At the end of the day the goal is to have the best sounding music to communicate your creative message. Even if you are a veteran producer, this course has advanced techniques from which you may be able to learn. In this episode, Convulsic covers session setup and drums, composition, and sound design ideas. We also discuss advanced grouping techniques, plugin selection, compression, making an intro, layering vocals, filters and automation, and preparing a song for mastering.


  Views: 578

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