Pro Studio Live Ableton Live Production Techniques TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 2.14 GB
This course is a comprehensive overview of Ableton Live 9 with San Diego dubstep and electronic music producer Convulsic. It is designed to cover some of the most important features of this very complex production software suite. Starting from the ground level, we broke this course into four sections of forty-five minutes each. Each section will become more advanced than the previous section. Remember: The theories and practices being taught are not the end-all be-all as far as Ableton is concerned. This course is designed to show you one way of doing things, so that you can take these principles and implement them into your own workflow. In this episode, we cover Ableton preferences, setup, templates, window panes, audio vs. MIDI, and keyboard shortcuts and controls. He also covers details about different effects in Ableton, using drum racks, entering MIDI notes, racks, grooves, and freezing and flattening plugins. You'll also learn details about EQ, compression, reverb, sends and returns, warp modes, and layering in Ableton. Convulsic also goes into some more advanced topics, including automation, macros, clip envelopes, dummy clips, racks on racks, finding inspiration, and putting it all together.
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