Cockos REAPER v6.24 RC5 WiN

6.24 RC5 : P2P | 23 February 2021 | 38 MB
6.15 : Team R2R | 23 October 2020 | 25.3 MB
6.15 : Team R2R | 23 October 2020 | 25.3 MB
REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project).
REAPER supports ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut, and DirectSound for playback and recording. It reads WAV, OGG, and MP3 files, and records WAV files. You can arrange any number of items in any number of tracks and use audio processing plug-ins (DirectX and Jesusonic). REAPER also supports volume, pan controls and envelopes per track, multi-layer undo/redo, and user creatable color themes.
Change Log:
v6.24rc5 - February 22 2021
* Includes branch: LV2
* Includes branch: razor editing
+ Envelopes: fix automation being lost when moving media items across tracks that do not have a matching FX envelope [p=2409245]
+ Razor edit: when auto-creating FX parameter envelopes, initialize with the current parameter value [p=2409576]
# Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to ignore envelope type when editing (allow moving volume envelope areas to pan envelopes, etc)
# Razor edit: prevent flicker when moving edits across tracks and auto-displaying affected envelopes
# Razor edit: remove projectwide preference to move envelope razor edit areas based on envelope type
# Razor edit: revert delayed display of affected envelopes when moving areas across tracks
# Razor edit: update envelope areas in media lane when changing preference to edit envelopes with media [p=2409586]
# macOS: reverted Big Sur icon for being insufficiently punk rock
v6.24rc4 - February 21 2021
# Razor edit: fix erratic pasting of multiple envelope areas [p=2408763]
# Razor edit: split action and mouse modifier respect preference to crossfade on split
# Razor edits: respect "automatically show affected envelopes when moving edits across tracks" only after razor edit is complete [p=2407799]
v6.24rc3 - February 19 2021
+ ReaScript: gfx_setcursor() works during capture/without mousemove [t=249619]
# LV2: preferences resource tweaks
# Razor edit: do not allow moving across tracks if the edit would cause all envelope areas to be discarded
# Razor edit: envelopes in media lane can only be edited if "move envelope razor edits with media items and razor edits" enabled [p=2407920]
# Razor edit: respect "move envelope razor edits by envelope type" even if the razor edit only contains envelopes [p=2408136]
# Razor edit: support customizing mouse modifiers to initiate razor edit over media item edge
# Razor edit: suppress visual update when inserting multiple items
v6.24rc2 - February 18 2021
+ FX: improve keyboard behavior with Waves StudioRack
+ Media explorer: don't automatically re-scan empty files
+ Media explorer: don't re-scan database files that contain no metadata [t=249280]
+ Razor edit: add preference to stretch audio media items by either adding stretch markers or splitting
# Razor edit: fix leveling original area when moving envelope area to a track with no matching envelope [p=2407211]
# Razor edit: respect preference to show affected envelopes when moving areas based on envelope type [p=2407799]
# Razor edits: fix razor edits not properly splitting automation items
v6.24rc1 - February 16 2021
+ AIFF: support in24/42ni AIFC encoding
+ API: GetTrackEnvelopeByChunkName will also find envelopes by GUID
+ API: add support for querying envelope GUID
+ Accessibility: improve labels for FX preset menu and edit comment buttons
+ Accessibility: remove option for textual fade names, always add textual fade descriptions via accessibility APIs
+ Actions: add action to set area selection to selected items
+ Area selection: add media item click mouse modifiers to create or add to area selection
+ Area selection: add option to move envelope areas based on envelope type or envelope lane
+ Area selection: fix trim content to area selections when multiple selections exist on one track [p=2312310]
+ Area selection: left-track on empty track space creates area selection by default (experimental)
+ Area selection: when "move envelope points with items" enabled, hidden envelopes are included in area selections
+ Arrange view: Display slightly thicker edit cursor over last selected track (to indicate where pasted content will go)
+ EEL2: reduce memory use of JSFX/Video Processor/EEL2 reascripts
+ EEL2: support JSFX/Video Proceossors/EEL2 ReaScripts on Linux w/ SELinux heap-execution-prevention
+ Envelopes: add context menu item to envelope control panel to remove envelope
+ Envelopes: fix automation items potentially left behind when moving media items across tracks
+ Envelopes: improve snapping behavior for Audio Unit enum parameters
+ Envelopes: internal simplifications when moving media items across tracks and "envelope points move with media items" enabled
+ Envelopes: support aliasing FX parameter from envelope control panel context menu
+ FX: add preference option to hide FX comment field in chain view
+ FX: embedded FX can process mousewheel if they have focus
+ FX: fix undo/redo display issues for FX comments
+ FX: generic UI autosizing limits vertical size to better fit on screen
+ FX: improve embedded FX update frequency when mouse-editing
+ FX: improve handling of embedded TCP/MCP controls for non-automatable parameters
+ FX: improve performance when using automated parameters and the generic VST/AU GUI is open
+ FX: prevent creating envelopes for non-automatable parameters
+ JSFX: embedded UI support mousewheel
+ JSFX: improve denormal filtering on win32 to match win64/other OSes
+ LV2: basic plug-in support
+ Loop sections: fix reversed items with move item loop section edge mouse modifier
+ Loop sections: fix reversed items with move item loop section mouse modifier [t=249263]
+ Media explorer: action to insert media into active sample player looks for more recently active reasamplomatic5000 instance [t=249473]
+ Mixer: fix potential crash with themes that have very large master.mcp.size set [t=249171]
+ Mute automation: fix automating active mute envelope from controller [t=247330]
+ RS5k: support increase of max voices via controller/automation when UI is closed
+ Razor edit: actions to insert MIDI item, empty item, click source use razor edit areas if they exist
+ Razor edit: add action to create area from cursor to mouse
+ Razor edit: add arrange view right-drag modifier to create razor edit area from cursor
+ Razor edit: add option to always trim content behind razor edits
+ Razor edit: display move guides when editing
+ Razor edit: draw horizontal guidelines while editing
+ Razor edit: only auto-crossfade media items at the edge of the razor edit area [p=2396178]
+ Razor edit: support auto-crossfade
+ Razor edit: support displaying overlapping media items in lanes
+ Razor edits: add basic API support
+ Razor edits: add settings to snap razor edits to media items and automation items
+ ReaPlugs: ReaXcomp and ReaEQ support mousewheel when embedded
+ ReaScript: allow EEL2 scripts to call third-party API functions without using extension_api()
+ ReaScript: fix IDE watch refresh when variable name but not value changes [t=249408]
+ ReaScript: hitting F1 to open help in IDE gives context-sensitive help if possible
+ ReaScript: improve EEL2 extension_api() parameter count checking
+ ReaScript: optimize Lua calls to plug-in API registered functions
+ Routing diagram: fix pin display issues with 64 channel tracks
+ Theme: add cursor_seltrack.png image
+ Theme: add theme color for selected track background
+ VST3: support third-party embeddable UIs via new IReaperUIEmbedInterface interface
+ Video: fix possible deadlock when rendering video [t=243142]
+ Windows: 32-bit build now compiled with VS2005/ICC
+ Windows: add experimental asynchronous unbuffered disk write mode
+ Windows: ignore hidden/system directories when scanning VST paths
+ lv2: improve floating window behavior for plug-ins with external widgets
+ macOS: improve Big Sur compatibility by forcing various windows to use Metal
+ macOS: update application icon for latest macOS style guidelines
+ macOS: workaround odd crash in menu editor on 10.14 [t=249194]
# Area selection: allow moving areas across tracks if env-pts-move-with-items enabled and not all source envelopes exist on the destination track
# Area selection: add action to clear all area selections
# Area selection: add default mouse modifier for arrange view right-drag context to initiate marquee item selection when initiated over items/envelopes area selection when initiated over empty space
# Area selection: add left-drag mouse modifiers to add to area selection
# Area selection: add mouse modifiers to copy areas vertically
# Area selection: add mouse modifiers to create area selection via left-drag over empty track space or media items
# Area selection: add mouse modifiers to move/copy areas horizontally
# Area selection: add tracks if necessary when pasting area selections
# Area selection: adjust project length after area selection paste [p=2329224]
# Area selection: ants
# Area selection: automatically add tracks when moving media item area selections
# Area selection: avoid making tiny selections when editing edges with snap enabled
# Area selection: better handling of actions to move area selections backwards/forwards when multiple area selections exist
# Area selection: clear selection when changing track selection
# Area selection: do not auto-create target envelopes when editing
# Area selection: don't crash when creating an area selection over a master track envelope
# Area selection: don't draw separator lines between vertically adjacent areas
# Area selection: draw pre-edit location while mouse editing (experimental)
# Area selection: drawing improvements while editing (experimental)
# Area selection: ensure all project area selections are cleared when creating a new one [p=2306284]
# Area selection: fix action to add media item to existing area selection
# Area selection: fix action to set area selection to items
# Area selection: fix behavior when first or last track in project is hidden [p=2330056]
# Area selection: fix copy/pasting between tracks with different timebase settings [p=2312892]
# Area selection: fix copying automation items [p=2306261]
# Area selection: fix copying multiple areas of a single media item [p=2305800]
# Area selection: fix envelope edge points when stretching [p=2317954]
# Area selection: fix left-click mouse modifiers to split, delete, and move area selections
# Area selection: fix mouse modifier to delete all area contents
# Area selection: fix mouse modifier to split one area selection
# Area selection: fix mouse modifiers to delete or split a single area
# Area selection: fix moving areas containing MIDI items across tempo changes
# Area selection: fix moving single envelope area [p=2330755]
# Area selection: fix potential rounding issue when copying [p=2313059]
# Area selection: fix ripple editing with automation items [p=2305811]
# Area selection: fix snapping area selection marquee with grid disabled
# Area selection: fix some corner cases with hidden envelopes and automation items
# Area selection: fix some rounding issues when deleting
# Area selection: fix trim-behind when editing area selection edges and non-aligned area selections exist [p=2305552]
# Area selection: fix trimming automation items after edit [p=2305667]
# Area selection: fix undo on send envelope areas
# Area selection: fix various weirdnesses around hidden envelopes
# Area selection: fix vertical moves across hidden tracks
# Area selection: fix weird corner case [p=2318675]
# Area selection: hopefully fix envelope bypass/visibility issues when copying areas with "move envelope points with media items" enabled
# Area selection: ignore MIDI and empty media items when stretching with ripple editing enabled
# Area selection: improve display during edits when "show overlapping items in lanes" enabled
# Area selection: many internal changes
# Area selection: modify area selections when changing tempo and timebase is beats
# Area selection: new razor cursor for area selection edits
# Area selection: only auto-add tracks when moving envelope points with media items
# Area selection: preserve fades if possible when copying media items
# Area selection: prevent copy/paste of envelope area onto tracks with no envelopes
# Area selection: prevent crash when deleting send envelopes containing area selections
# Area selection: prevent making tiny media items or automation items when snap enabled
# Area selection: recalculate auto-stretch at tempo changes when editing [p=2305654]
# Area selection: reduce edge hit areas when area is very small
# Area selection: rename to Razor Edit
# Area selection: respect settings for auto-crossfade and trim content behind edits
# Area selection: revert conditional default mouse modifier for arrange view right-drag context
# Area selection: simplify drawing
# Area selection: snap area selections to media items while marquee-creating, if enabled
# Area selection: snap edits to media items if enabled
# Area selection: snapping improvements
# Area selection: split and stretch MIDI items when stretching area selections
# Area selection: support engaging snap mouse modifier after starting to create area
# Area selection: support for moving multiple envelope-only areas across envelopes
# Area selection: trim behind areas after cut/copy/paste
# Area selection: trim behind areas after duplicate action
# Area selection: when moving, snap area end to grid
# Arrange view: update cursor when changing last selected track via TCP click or action
# Automation items: fix paste position
# Automation items: prevent unnecessary automation item creation when moving media items or area selection to new tracks [p=2325707]
# Cursor: fix display when blinking cursor and smooth scrolling enabled [p=2341387]
# Envelopes: fix mouse-copying automation items outside of area selections
# Envelopes: respect preference to show affected envelopes when moving media items across tracks
# FX: fix ReaSurround resizing track I/O when requesting 64 channels
# LV2: format developer/channels consistent with vst [p=2395464]
# Mouse modifiers: fix right-drag behavior when tracks are scrolled down
# Mouse modifiers: restore default track left-drag behavior (select time, not area)
# Mouse: alt+drag on empty track space selects time by default
# Mouse: improve left-click responsiveness when not drawing area selection
# Paste: fix skipping one hidden track [p=2338288]
# Razor edit: acivate envelopes when pasting razor edit areas [p=2386196]
# Razor edit: add mouse modifier to move areas on one axis only
# Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to copy areas on one axis only
# Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to move/copy areas horizontally ignoring snap
# Razor edit: add razor_move and razor_copy cursors
# Razor edit: auto-add tracks even if matching envelope areas by lane (which will cause unmatched envelope areas to be discarded) [p=2386390]
# Razor edit: auto-crossfade when pasting razor edit areas, if option enabled
# Razor edit: better handling of drawing overlapping areas
# Razor edit: clear razor edit areas after deleting contents
# Razor edit: different handling of envelope edits when moving left vs right
# Razor edit: don't change track selection when clicking razor edit area [p=2402061]
# Razor edit: don't draw pre-edit hash marks underneath areas that are being edited
# Razor edit: don't run razor edit actions (remove areas, move areas, etc) while mouse-editing
# Razor edit: ensure constant envelope value after deleting contents [p=2336398]
# Razor edit: fix actions to move envelope areas up one lane [p=2386390]
# Razor edit: fix captured items briefly disappearing when starting edit [hp=2335998]
# Razor edit: fix copy/duplicate/ripple interaction [p=2338890]
# Razor edit: fix drawing bug with hidden envelopes [p=2351478]
# Razor edit: fix editing envelopes in media lane when envelopes earlier in the list are displayed in envelope lanes [p=2388340]
# Razor edit: fix finalizing edit with autocrossfade enabled
# Razor edit: fix inconsistent behavior when deleting automation items [p=2387277]
# Razor edit: fix initiating edit with a tiny part of a media item within the edit area [p=2336002]
# Razor edit: fix item name drawing during edits [p=2387164]
# Razor edit: fix mapping actions (clear areas, move areas, etc) to mouse click [p=2387164]
# Razor edit: fix mouse modifiers to move areas on one axis only
# Razor edit: fix pasting to multiple added tracks [p=2353134]
# Razor edit: fix razor edit delete not entirely deleting certain automation items [p=2405470]
# Razor edit: fix ripple editing after moving areas across tracks [p=2386569]
# Razor edit: fix splitting/stretching automation item corner case [p=2336411]
# Razor edit: fix tempo map adjustment in ripple-all mode
# Razor edit: fix undo in ripple-all mode
# Razor edit: fix vertical move of envelope areas with ripple edit enabled [p=2386390]
# Razor edit: handle auto-crossfade and trim-behind options similarly to media item edits
# Razor edit: handle preference for ripple edit to affect tempo envelope [p=2386569]
# Razor edit: handle project markers when ripple-edit-all enabled
# Razor edit: improve behavior when moving multiple envelope areas [p=2386390]
# Razor edit: improve preview drawing during edits [p=2375773]
# Razor edit: leave envelope value level when moving envelope areas
# Razor edit: option to always trim content behind razor edits is enabled by default
# Razor edit: prevent drawing glitch when displaying tooltips [p=2335997]
# Razor edit: properly adjust automation item start offset when moving across tempo changes [2405058]
# Razor edit: properly handle pasting an envelope area to the media lane [p=2388340]
# Razor edit: properly handle user canceling create subproject dialog [p=2388357]
# Razor edit: remove mouse modifiers to edit one area only (if you have customized these mouse modifiers, they may now be scrambled)
# Razor edit: respect project lock settings
# Razor edit: restore mouse modifier to remove all areas
# Razor edit: show horizontal edit guide when editing top/bottom edge
# Razor edit: simplify razor edit left-click mouse modifiers
# Razor edit: support mouse edits over minimized tracks [p=2344960]
# Razor edit: support setting razor edit edge mouse modifier to "no action" [p=2340926]
# Razor edit: use theme color to fill edit area
# Razor edits: another fix for actions to move envelope areas up/down [p=2387164]
# Razor edits: clear areas from hidden tracks before editing [p=2338381]
# Razor edits: copy edits do not reset the existing envelope range [p=2338835]
# Razor edits: fix erasing automation items when moving vertically
# Razor edits: fix stretching automation items across tempo changes [p=2405460]
# Razor edits: split/stretch automation items similarly to MIDI items [p=2336038]
# Razor edits: when stretching, adjust fade length only if the edge of the media item moves
# ReaScript: improve context-sensitive help for when in parameters etc
# Theme: different fallback display for edit cursor at last touched track if the theme does not provide cursor_seltrack.png
# Theme: fix positioning of theme cursor image
# Theme: modify optional arrange view vertical division colors for selected tracks
# Theme: remove cursor_seltrack.png, draw small bracket instead (we will add an option to hide this)
# Theme: restore cursor_seltrack.png support
# Tracks: set last selected track when selecting envelope
# Windows: fix incorrect manifest used for vc2005 win32 build
# lv2 support designation latency in addition to deprecated reportsLatency
# lv2: MIDI bus mapping and PDC-disable support (right click I/O button)
# lv2: Tuple support (vm.lv2)
# lv2: actually implement worker/schedule interface
# lv2: add support for data-access (glbars)
# lv2: add ui#portMap
# lv2: avoid accidentally loading Calf UI
# lv2: better handle dsp/UI state-synchronization when plug-in is bypassed
# lv2: do not require .lv2 extension for lv2 bundles
# lv2: fix UI plug-ins that have null port_event fields
# lv2: fix crash when failed loading UIs not mentioned in manifest
# lv2: fix fx parameter notifications from some UIs
# lv2: fix initial UI show of ArtyFX
# lv2: fix race conditions on plug-in UI load
# lv2: fix state loading of blobbed objects
# lv2: fix various cases for turtle preset/atom loading (URIs loaded as URID, handle double/long/manually specified types)
# lv2: fix various issues when changing project/audio device sample rate
# lv2: fix worker scheduling/re-entrancy issues
# lv2: handle freeWheeling and beatsPerMinute designations
# lv2: hide preset combo box when window is resized small
# lv2: if multiple UIs specified, use parent/embed over floating widget (TAL)
# lv2: improve encoding of pin maps
# lv2: improve label of MIDI plug-ins in FX browser
# lv2: improve rppxml state encoding of multi-line strings, simplify
# lv2: improve support for encoding more state atom objects (long, double, object, vector, etc) in rppxml
# lv2: inserting a mono plug-in will by default output to both channels 1/2
# lv2: integer step parameter support
# lv2: midi note/CC names
# lv2: parameter enum support
# lv2: recognize notOnGUI and expensive port properties
# lv2: reinitialize instance-access requiring UIs when visible and having to re-create plug-in instance due to samplerate/blocksize change
# lv2: report samplerate to UIs
# lv2: report state#loadDefaultState to plug-ins
# lv2: send UIs notifications in response to their own ui_writes (Harrison plug-ins)
# lv2: send all output atom/sequence port notifications to UIs (BOops.lv2)
# lv2: send output ports to UI when only floating widget plug-in is open
# lv2: send time#Position when requested by port
# lv2: small tweak to worker scheduling relating to anticipative FX multiprocessing
# lv2: support 1-byte Bool atoms (BOops)
# lv2: support RDF 1.1 .s in prefixed resource paths (sherlock)
# lv2: support UIs that send MIDI to their plug-in ports
# lv2: support XSizeHints on x11
# lv2: support buf-size#fixedBlockLength, fix issues switching block lengths on the fly
# lv2: support inlinedisplay#interface and #queue_draw
# lv2: support loadDefaultState feature, loading state from lv2 presets
# lv2: support makePath/mapPath/freePath
# lv2: support reading vector atoms from turtle (BOops)
# lv2: support requiredFeature:ui#resize
# lv2: support sampleRate control port parameters
# lv2: support state#StateChanged
# lv2: support toggled port property
# lv2: support ui#makeResident (guitarix)
# lv2: switching project tabs hides lv2 floating widgets
# lv2: treat CVPort as AudioPort
# lv2: update UI on undo of offline/online
* Includes branch: LV2
* Includes branch: razor editing
+ Envelopes: fix automation being lost when moving media items across tracks that do not have a matching FX envelope [p=2409245]
+ Razor edit: when auto-creating FX parameter envelopes, initialize with the current parameter value [p=2409576]
# Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to ignore envelope type when editing (allow moving volume envelope areas to pan envelopes, etc)
# Razor edit: prevent flicker when moving edits across tracks and auto-displaying affected envelopes
# Razor edit: remove projectwide preference to move envelope razor edit areas based on envelope type
# Razor edit: revert delayed display of affected envelopes when moving areas across tracks
# Razor edit: update envelope areas in media lane when changing preference to edit envelopes with media [p=2409586]
# macOS: reverted Big Sur icon for being insufficiently punk rock
v6.24rc4 - February 21 2021
# Razor edit: fix erratic pasting of multiple envelope areas [p=2408763]
# Razor edit: split action and mouse modifier respect preference to crossfade on split
# Razor edits: respect "automatically show affected envelopes when moving edits across tracks" only after razor edit is complete [p=2407799]
v6.24rc3 - February 19 2021
+ ReaScript: gfx_setcursor() works during capture/without mousemove [t=249619]
# LV2: preferences resource tweaks
# Razor edit: do not allow moving across tracks if the edit would cause all envelope areas to be discarded
# Razor edit: envelopes in media lane can only be edited if "move envelope razor edits with media items and razor edits" enabled [p=2407920]
# Razor edit: respect "move envelope razor edits by envelope type" even if the razor edit only contains envelopes [p=2408136]
# Razor edit: support customizing mouse modifiers to initiate razor edit over media item edge
# Razor edit: suppress visual update when inserting multiple items
v6.24rc2 - February 18 2021
+ FX: improve keyboard behavior with Waves StudioRack
+ Media explorer: don't automatically re-scan empty files
+ Media explorer: don't re-scan database files that contain no metadata [t=249280]
+ Razor edit: add preference to stretch audio media items by either adding stretch markers or splitting
# Razor edit: fix leveling original area when moving envelope area to a track with no matching envelope [p=2407211]
# Razor edit: respect preference to show affected envelopes when moving areas based on envelope type [p=2407799]
# Razor edits: fix razor edits not properly splitting automation items
v6.24rc1 - February 16 2021
+ AIFF: support in24/42ni AIFC encoding
+ API: GetTrackEnvelopeByChunkName will also find envelopes by GUID
+ API: add support for querying envelope GUID
+ Accessibility: improve labels for FX preset menu and edit comment buttons
+ Accessibility: remove option for textual fade names, always add textual fade descriptions via accessibility APIs
+ Actions: add action to set area selection to selected items
+ Area selection: add media item click mouse modifiers to create or add to area selection
+ Area selection: add option to move envelope areas based on envelope type or envelope lane
+ Area selection: fix trim content to area selections when multiple selections exist on one track [p=2312310]
+ Area selection: left-track on empty track space creates area selection by default (experimental)
+ Area selection: when "move envelope points with items" enabled, hidden envelopes are included in area selections
+ Arrange view: Display slightly thicker edit cursor over last selected track (to indicate where pasted content will go)
+ EEL2: reduce memory use of JSFX/Video Processor/EEL2 reascripts
+ EEL2: support JSFX/Video Proceossors/EEL2 ReaScripts on Linux w/ SELinux heap-execution-prevention
+ Envelopes: add context menu item to envelope control panel to remove envelope
+ Envelopes: fix automation items potentially left behind when moving media items across tracks
+ Envelopes: improve snapping behavior for Audio Unit enum parameters
+ Envelopes: internal simplifications when moving media items across tracks and "envelope points move with media items" enabled
+ Envelopes: support aliasing FX parameter from envelope control panel context menu
+ FX: add preference option to hide FX comment field in chain view
+ FX: embedded FX can process mousewheel if they have focus
+ FX: fix undo/redo display issues for FX comments
+ FX: generic UI autosizing limits vertical size to better fit on screen
+ FX: improve embedded FX update frequency when mouse-editing
+ FX: improve handling of embedded TCP/MCP controls for non-automatable parameters
+ FX: improve performance when using automated parameters and the generic VST/AU GUI is open
+ FX: prevent creating envelopes for non-automatable parameters
+ JSFX: embedded UI support mousewheel
+ JSFX: improve denormal filtering on win32 to match win64/other OSes
+ LV2: basic plug-in support
+ Loop sections: fix reversed items with move item loop section edge mouse modifier
+ Loop sections: fix reversed items with move item loop section mouse modifier [t=249263]
+ Media explorer: action to insert media into active sample player looks for more recently active reasamplomatic5000 instance [t=249473]
+ Mixer: fix potential crash with themes that have very large master.mcp.size set [t=249171]
+ Mute automation: fix automating active mute envelope from controller [t=247330]
+ RS5k: support increase of max voices via controller/automation when UI is closed
+ Razor edit: actions to insert MIDI item, empty item, click source use razor edit areas if they exist
+ Razor edit: add action to create area from cursor to mouse
+ Razor edit: add arrange view right-drag modifier to create razor edit area from cursor
+ Razor edit: add option to always trim content behind razor edits
+ Razor edit: display move guides when editing
+ Razor edit: draw horizontal guidelines while editing
+ Razor edit: only auto-crossfade media items at the edge of the razor edit area [p=2396178]
+ Razor edit: support auto-crossfade
+ Razor edit: support displaying overlapping media items in lanes
+ Razor edits: add basic API support
+ Razor edits: add settings to snap razor edits to media items and automation items
+ ReaPlugs: ReaXcomp and ReaEQ support mousewheel when embedded
+ ReaScript: allow EEL2 scripts to call third-party API functions without using extension_api()
+ ReaScript: fix IDE watch refresh when variable name but not value changes [t=249408]
+ ReaScript: hitting F1 to open help in IDE gives context-sensitive help if possible
+ ReaScript: improve EEL2 extension_api() parameter count checking
+ ReaScript: optimize Lua calls to plug-in API registered functions
+ Routing diagram: fix pin display issues with 64 channel tracks
+ Theme: add cursor_seltrack.png image
+ Theme: add theme color for selected track background
+ VST3: support third-party embeddable UIs via new IReaperUIEmbedInterface interface
+ Video: fix possible deadlock when rendering video [t=243142]
+ Windows: 32-bit build now compiled with VS2005/ICC
+ Windows: add experimental asynchronous unbuffered disk write mode
+ Windows: ignore hidden/system directories when scanning VST paths
+ lv2: improve floating window behavior for plug-ins with external widgets
+ macOS: improve Big Sur compatibility by forcing various windows to use Metal
+ macOS: update application icon for latest macOS style guidelines
+ macOS: workaround odd crash in menu editor on 10.14 [t=249194]
# Area selection: allow moving areas across tracks if env-pts-move-with-items enabled and not all source envelopes exist on the destination track
# Area selection: add action to clear all area selections
# Area selection: add default mouse modifier for arrange view right-drag context to initiate marquee item selection when initiated over items/envelopes area selection when initiated over empty space
# Area selection: add left-drag mouse modifiers to add to area selection
# Area selection: add mouse modifiers to copy areas vertically
# Area selection: add mouse modifiers to create area selection via left-drag over empty track space or media items
# Area selection: add mouse modifiers to move/copy areas horizontally
# Area selection: add tracks if necessary when pasting area selections
# Area selection: adjust project length after area selection paste [p=2329224]
# Area selection: ants
# Area selection: automatically add tracks when moving media item area selections
# Area selection: avoid making tiny selections when editing edges with snap enabled
# Area selection: better handling of actions to move area selections backwards/forwards when multiple area selections exist
# Area selection: clear selection when changing track selection
# Area selection: do not auto-create target envelopes when editing
# Area selection: don't crash when creating an area selection over a master track envelope
# Area selection: don't draw separator lines between vertically adjacent areas
# Area selection: draw pre-edit location while mouse editing (experimental)
# Area selection: drawing improvements while editing (experimental)
# Area selection: ensure all project area selections are cleared when creating a new one [p=2306284]
# Area selection: fix action to add media item to existing area selection
# Area selection: fix action to set area selection to items
# Area selection: fix behavior when first or last track in project is hidden [p=2330056]
# Area selection: fix copy/pasting between tracks with different timebase settings [p=2312892]
# Area selection: fix copying automation items [p=2306261]
# Area selection: fix copying multiple areas of a single media item [p=2305800]
# Area selection: fix envelope edge points when stretching [p=2317954]
# Area selection: fix left-click mouse modifiers to split, delete, and move area selections
# Area selection: fix mouse modifier to delete all area contents
# Area selection: fix mouse modifier to split one area selection
# Area selection: fix mouse modifiers to delete or split a single area
# Area selection: fix moving areas containing MIDI items across tempo changes
# Area selection: fix moving single envelope area [p=2330755]
# Area selection: fix potential rounding issue when copying [p=2313059]
# Area selection: fix ripple editing with automation items [p=2305811]
# Area selection: fix snapping area selection marquee with grid disabled
# Area selection: fix some corner cases with hidden envelopes and automation items
# Area selection: fix some rounding issues when deleting
# Area selection: fix trim-behind when editing area selection edges and non-aligned area selections exist [p=2305552]
# Area selection: fix trimming automation items after edit [p=2305667]
# Area selection: fix undo on send envelope areas
# Area selection: fix various weirdnesses around hidden envelopes
# Area selection: fix vertical moves across hidden tracks
# Area selection: fix weird corner case [p=2318675]
# Area selection: hopefully fix envelope bypass/visibility issues when copying areas with "move envelope points with media items" enabled
# Area selection: ignore MIDI and empty media items when stretching with ripple editing enabled
# Area selection: improve display during edits when "show overlapping items in lanes" enabled
# Area selection: many internal changes
# Area selection: modify area selections when changing tempo and timebase is beats
# Area selection: new razor cursor for area selection edits
# Area selection: only auto-add tracks when moving envelope points with media items
# Area selection: preserve fades if possible when copying media items
# Area selection: prevent copy/paste of envelope area onto tracks with no envelopes
# Area selection: prevent crash when deleting send envelopes containing area selections
# Area selection: prevent making tiny media items or automation items when snap enabled
# Area selection: recalculate auto-stretch at tempo changes when editing [p=2305654]
# Area selection: reduce edge hit areas when area is very small
# Area selection: rename to Razor Edit
# Area selection: respect settings for auto-crossfade and trim content behind edits
# Area selection: revert conditional default mouse modifier for arrange view right-drag context
# Area selection: simplify drawing
# Area selection: snap area selections to media items while marquee-creating, if enabled
# Area selection: snap edits to media items if enabled
# Area selection: snapping improvements
# Area selection: split and stretch MIDI items when stretching area selections
# Area selection: support engaging snap mouse modifier after starting to create area
# Area selection: support for moving multiple envelope-only areas across envelopes
# Area selection: trim behind areas after cut/copy/paste
# Area selection: trim behind areas after duplicate action
# Area selection: when moving, snap area end to grid
# Arrange view: update cursor when changing last selected track via TCP click or action
# Automation items: fix paste position
# Automation items: prevent unnecessary automation item creation when moving media items or area selection to new tracks [p=2325707]
# Cursor: fix display when blinking cursor and smooth scrolling enabled [p=2341387]
# Envelopes: fix mouse-copying automation items outside of area selections
# Envelopes: respect preference to show affected envelopes when moving media items across tracks
# FX: fix ReaSurround resizing track I/O when requesting 64 channels
# LV2: format developer/channels consistent with vst [p=2395464]
# Mouse modifiers: fix right-drag behavior when tracks are scrolled down
# Mouse modifiers: restore default track left-drag behavior (select time, not area)
# Mouse: alt+drag on empty track space selects time by default
# Mouse: improve left-click responsiveness when not drawing area selection
# Paste: fix skipping one hidden track [p=2338288]
# Razor edit: acivate envelopes when pasting razor edit areas [p=2386196]
# Razor edit: add mouse modifier to move areas on one axis only
# Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to copy areas on one axis only
# Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to move/copy areas horizontally ignoring snap
# Razor edit: add razor_move and razor_copy cursors
# Razor edit: auto-add tracks even if matching envelope areas by lane (which will cause unmatched envelope areas to be discarded) [p=2386390]
# Razor edit: auto-crossfade when pasting razor edit areas, if option enabled
# Razor edit: better handling of drawing overlapping areas
# Razor edit: clear razor edit areas after deleting contents
# Razor edit: different handling of envelope edits when moving left vs right
# Razor edit: don't change track selection when clicking razor edit area [p=2402061]
# Razor edit: don't draw pre-edit hash marks underneath areas that are being edited
# Razor edit: don't run razor edit actions (remove areas, move areas, etc) while mouse-editing
# Razor edit: ensure constant envelope value after deleting contents [p=2336398]
# Razor edit: fix actions to move envelope areas up one lane [p=2386390]
# Razor edit: fix captured items briefly disappearing when starting edit [hp=2335998]
# Razor edit: fix copy/duplicate/ripple interaction [p=2338890]
# Razor edit: fix drawing bug with hidden envelopes [p=2351478]
# Razor edit: fix editing envelopes in media lane when envelopes earlier in the list are displayed in envelope lanes [p=2388340]
# Razor edit: fix finalizing edit with autocrossfade enabled
# Razor edit: fix inconsistent behavior when deleting automation items [p=2387277]
# Razor edit: fix initiating edit with a tiny part of a media item within the edit area [p=2336002]
# Razor edit: fix item name drawing during edits [p=2387164]
# Razor edit: fix mapping actions (clear areas, move areas, etc) to mouse click [p=2387164]
# Razor edit: fix mouse modifiers to move areas on one axis only
# Razor edit: fix pasting to multiple added tracks [p=2353134]
# Razor edit: fix razor edit delete not entirely deleting certain automation items [p=2405470]
# Razor edit: fix ripple editing after moving areas across tracks [p=2386569]
# Razor edit: fix splitting/stretching automation item corner case [p=2336411]
# Razor edit: fix tempo map adjustment in ripple-all mode
# Razor edit: fix undo in ripple-all mode
# Razor edit: fix vertical move of envelope areas with ripple edit enabled [p=2386390]
# Razor edit: handle auto-crossfade and trim-behind options similarly to media item edits
# Razor edit: handle preference for ripple edit to affect tempo envelope [p=2386569]
# Razor edit: handle project markers when ripple-edit-all enabled
# Razor edit: improve behavior when moving multiple envelope areas [p=2386390]
# Razor edit: improve preview drawing during edits [p=2375773]
# Razor edit: leave envelope value level when moving envelope areas
# Razor edit: option to always trim content behind razor edits is enabled by default
# Razor edit: prevent drawing glitch when displaying tooltips [p=2335997]
# Razor edit: properly adjust automation item start offset when moving across tempo changes [2405058]
# Razor edit: properly handle pasting an envelope area to the media lane [p=2388340]
# Razor edit: properly handle user canceling create subproject dialog [p=2388357]
# Razor edit: remove mouse modifiers to edit one area only (if you have customized these mouse modifiers, they may now be scrambled)
# Razor edit: respect project lock settings
# Razor edit: restore mouse modifier to remove all areas
# Razor edit: show horizontal edit guide when editing top/bottom edge
# Razor edit: simplify razor edit left-click mouse modifiers
# Razor edit: support mouse edits over minimized tracks [p=2344960]
# Razor edit: support setting razor edit edge mouse modifier to "no action" [p=2340926]
# Razor edit: use theme color to fill edit area
# Razor edits: another fix for actions to move envelope areas up/down [p=2387164]
# Razor edits: clear areas from hidden tracks before editing [p=2338381]
# Razor edits: copy edits do not reset the existing envelope range [p=2338835]
# Razor edits: fix erasing automation items when moving vertically
# Razor edits: fix stretching automation items across tempo changes [p=2405460]
# Razor edits: split/stretch automation items similarly to MIDI items [p=2336038]
# Razor edits: when stretching, adjust fade length only if the edge of the media item moves
# ReaScript: improve context-sensitive help for when in parameters etc
# Theme: different fallback display for edit cursor at last touched track if the theme does not provide cursor_seltrack.png
# Theme: fix positioning of theme cursor image
# Theme: modify optional arrange view vertical division colors for selected tracks
# Theme: remove cursor_seltrack.png, draw small bracket instead (we will add an option to hide this)
# Theme: restore cursor_seltrack.png support
# Tracks: set last selected track when selecting envelope
# Windows: fix incorrect manifest used for vc2005 win32 build
# lv2 support designation latency in addition to deprecated reportsLatency
# lv2: MIDI bus mapping and PDC-disable support (right click I/O button)
# lv2: Tuple support (vm.lv2)
# lv2: actually implement worker/schedule interface
# lv2: add support for data-access (glbars)
# lv2: add ui#portMap
# lv2: avoid accidentally loading Calf UI
# lv2: better handle dsp/UI state-synchronization when plug-in is bypassed
# lv2: do not require .lv2 extension for lv2 bundles
# lv2: fix UI plug-ins that have null port_event fields
# lv2: fix crash when failed loading UIs not mentioned in manifest
# lv2: fix fx parameter notifications from some UIs
# lv2: fix initial UI show of ArtyFX
# lv2: fix race conditions on plug-in UI load
# lv2: fix state loading of blobbed objects
# lv2: fix various cases for turtle preset/atom loading (URIs loaded as URID, handle double/long/manually specified types)
# lv2: fix various issues when changing project/audio device sample rate
# lv2: fix worker scheduling/re-entrancy issues
# lv2: handle freeWheeling and beatsPerMinute designations
# lv2: hide preset combo box when window is resized small
# lv2: if multiple UIs specified, use parent/embed over floating widget (TAL)
# lv2: improve encoding of pin maps
# lv2: improve label of MIDI plug-ins in FX browser
# lv2: improve rppxml state encoding of multi-line strings, simplify
# lv2: improve support for encoding more state atom objects (long, double, object, vector, etc) in rppxml
# lv2: inserting a mono plug-in will by default output to both channels 1/2
# lv2: integer step parameter support
# lv2: midi note/CC names
# lv2: parameter enum support
# lv2: recognize notOnGUI and expensive port properties
# lv2: reinitialize instance-access requiring UIs when visible and having to re-create plug-in instance due to samplerate/blocksize change
# lv2: report samplerate to UIs
# lv2: report state#loadDefaultState to plug-ins
# lv2: send UIs notifications in response to their own ui_writes (Harrison plug-ins)
# lv2: send all output atom/sequence port notifications to UIs (BOops.lv2)
# lv2: send output ports to UI when only floating widget plug-in is open
# lv2: send time#Position when requested by port
# lv2: small tweak to worker scheduling relating to anticipative FX multiprocessing
# lv2: support 1-byte Bool atoms (BOops)
# lv2: support RDF 1.1 .s in prefixed resource paths (sherlock)
# lv2: support UIs that send MIDI to their plug-in ports
# lv2: support XSizeHints on x11
# lv2: support buf-size#fixedBlockLength, fix issues switching block lengths on the fly
# lv2: support inlinedisplay#interface and #queue_draw
# lv2: support loadDefaultState feature, loading state from lv2 presets
# lv2: support makePath/mapPath/freePath
# lv2: support reading vector atoms from turtle (BOops)
# lv2: support requiredFeature:ui#resize
# lv2: support sampleRate control port parameters
# lv2: support state#StateChanged
# lv2: support toggled port property
# lv2: support ui#makeResident (guitarix)
# lv2: switching project tabs hides lv2 floating widgets
# lv2: treat CVPort as AudioPort
# lv2: update UI on undo of offline/online
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