Cockos REAPER Portable v6.12c WiN

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Cockos REAPER Portable v6.12c WiN
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Cockos REAPER Portable v6.12c WiN

Cockos REAPER Portable v6.12c WiN

P2P | 16 June 2020 | 30.08 MB

This is portable version of REAPER. Cockos REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project).

► Basic features:
Portable - supports running from USB keys or other removable media
64 bit audio engine
Excellent low-latency performance
Multiprocessor capable
Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.
Extremely flexible routing
Fast, tool-less editing
Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)
Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects
ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite
Tightly coded - installer is just over 2MB

v6.12 - June 15 2020

+ 6.12c: fix issue with legacy customized FX mixer menu items [p=2304239]
+ Actions: fix action to scroll view vertically one page [t=124100]
+ Audio Units: do not show duplicates for plug-ins that register as both an effect and instrument
+ Automation items: only copy time-selected area if edit begins within the time selection [p=2295416]
+ Automation items: prevent potential hang when editing trim via envelope control panel [p=2295560]
+ Custom actions: editor is now modeless and can be opened for multiple custom actions at once
+ Custom actions: improve accessibility of editor (Control+Up/Down to reorder custom action list, Enter to add to list, etc) [t=237012]
+ Custom menu/toolbar editor: allow inserting multiple actions at once
+ Copy/paste: add actions to paste items ignoring hidden tracks (wysiwyg), which is the default behavior since 6.11 [p=2297051]
+ Copy/paste/delete: context-sensitive cut/copy/paste/delete commands will affect selected media items if track control panel area was last clicked but no tracks are selected
+ Envelopes: fix display glitch in certain instances with asymmetrical envelope display [t=208841]
+ FX browser: minor reorganization of controls
+ FX browser: add context menu items to add FX to selected active takes, selected tracks
+ FX browser: add option to hide FX type prefixes in folders and filtered views [t=39711]
+ FX browser: add options to hide FX when duplicate FX of a preferred type is present
+ FX browser: allow reordering of user-folders via drag/drop or Ctrl+Up/Down
+ FX browser: allow dragging multiple plug-ins to empty TCP/MCP areas to create tracks
+ FX browser: show confirmation prompt when adding more than 9 plug-ins at once
+ FX browser: fix display of ReWire and FX chains in quick add menu folders
+ FX browser: replace existing FX when alt+dragging from FX browser to an existing FX instance
+ FX browser: increase maximum folders/VST folder counts
+ FX browser: remove developer names from items when redundant with the folder name
+ Freeze/render stems: fix behavior when rendering multiple items on the same track with the same item name [t=237124]
+ Grid: prevent "adjust grid by.." actions from setting grid to unreasonable values [p=2294416]
+ Groups: add actions to select groups 33-64 [t=202938]
+ Groups: modernize nomenclature
+ Internals: restore logical-sort in reaper-menu.ini [t=237194]
+ Item solo: improve item solo action behaviors, add new actions/API to access
+ JSFX: atomic_*() now work across different JSFX instances e.g. on gmem [t=236960]
+ Linux: fix missing checkbox icons in FX chain etc [p=2297062]
+ Localization: fix localizing render wildcard help dialog
+ macOS: allow NSAppTransportSecurity NSExceptionDomains for localhost/HTTP for some plug-ins
+ macOS: improve support for js_ReaScriptAPI extension drawing with Metal [t=230013]
+ MIDI: improve item start offset behavior when recording and preserve PDC monitoring enabled [p=2298235]
+ Media explorer: fix option to toggle searching by custom database tag
+ Metadata: fix writing CART TagText field
+ Metronome: support longer pattern entry on Windows [t=237666]
+ Metronome: increase size of metronome pattern entry fields to show up to 32 beats
+ NINJAM: fix import timing issue with certain bpm/bpi changes
+ NINJAM: improve accessibility descriptions of mute/solo buttons in ReaNINJAM
+ Playback: fix playback to end of lengthened project when adjusting item rate/position/length via action, media item properties, or API
+ Preferences: fix incorrect reset of track default crossfade options
+ Project bay: improve velocity scaling display for MIDI items [p=2293632]
+ Project bay: minor reorganization of controls
+ Project bay: support Ctrl+A in filter field to select all text
+ RS5k: small reorganization of controls
+ RS5k: add Portamento setting
+ RS5k: allow loop to be enabled when ignoring note-offs
+ RS5k: improve UI for editing loop start offset/fades
+ RS5k: right clicking activity light sends note-offs
+ RS5k: use a fixed-size ADSR view when using a looping sample
+ RS5k: allow easier setting of long attack/release settings when using short looped media
+ ReaEQ: fix processing artifact when automating parameters away from a non-automatically-bypassed state [t=208841]
+ ReaEQ: reduce CPU use
+ ReaScript: add PromptForAction()
+ ReaScript: fix temporary playback issue when reconfiguring send via SetTrackSendInfo_Value(I_SRCCHAN)
+ ReaScript: update Track/TakeFX_AddByName() to allow inserting FXADD:, allow inserting FX at position in chain
+ ReaSynth: add Portamento setting
+ ReaVerbate: reduce CPU use
+ Render: enable Apply button after editing render target directory [t=237198]
+ Render: resolve $region wildcard correctly when using region render matrix with multiple regions with the same start/end times [t=237626]
+ Ripple editing: allow moving media items across tracks with ripple editing enabled and items near top/bottom of project
+ Routing: fix issues relating to detection of feedback in routing [t=235395]
+ Snap: do not snap time/loop selections to edit cursor/time selection if it would make a zero-length selection
+ Toolbars: apply global color tweaks to toolbar buttons after state change [p=2302525]
+ Video: add 'Combine: grid of videos' preset [t=233917]
+ Video: improve 'Apply track FX only where track has video items' preset to allow clearing if no items
+ WavPack: support dual-mono optimization
+ WavPack: support embedding APEv2 tags when rendering
+ WavPack: display WavPack metadata in source properties dialog
+ Windows: fix GDI object leak when closing media item properties

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