Dotec-Audio Plugins Bundle v2020.02 WiN

Team R2R | 20 February 2020 | 38 MB
DeeMMax is a special loudness maximizer for mastering !
By proprietary harmonics processing technology, It is possible to get loud sound clearly by avoiding cloudiness of sound with keeping the mix balance.
[b]Plugins list:[/b]
* DeeChannelTool v1.0.0
* DeeComp v2.5.0
* DeeCrystal v1.0.0
* DeeEQ v1.0.3
* DeeFat v2.5.0
* DeeFX v1.1.2
* DeeGain v1.1.0
* DeeGate v1.1.1
* DeeGraphComp v1.0.0
* DeeMMax v1.5.2
* DeeMax v2.6.0
* DeePanpot v2.1.1
* DeeSideIn v1.0.0
* DeeSpeaker v1.0.5
* DeeSubBass v1.0.2
* DeeTrim v2.5.0
* DeeWider v2.0.0[/b]
You can easily add loudness. Only one slider will control everything.
You can get the big loudness with a clean & transparent at mastering.
You can priority to dynamic ranges due to using Softness dial.
Monitor swich constants volume level of input&output for monitor
[b]New product have been released![/b]
Subbass generator "DeeSubBass" !
DeeSubBass is SubBass Generator that brings the Super heavy Bass!
-Select a song key to automatically generate a sub bass.
-DRIVE gives the sub bass overtones with fat overdrive.
-High-pass filter adjusts the crossover with the original sound.
-High-precision oscillator that calculates waveforms with 64-bit double precision.
-A Gnarly graphics like a 80's Anime.
Dotec-Audio DeeEQ
Equalizer. You can get the best equalizing with only two sliders.Dotec-Audio DeeFX
Multi Effector. Distortions, filters, and delays that are used beyond trends and genres. DeeFX is thoroughly pursues and integrates the performance of three effects. It gives improvisation that can be operated without switching allows you to embody ideas without stopping the sound. You will find combinations that you could not imagine in usage that prepare individuals.Dotec-Audio DeeChannelTool
Channel tool & Console simulator. This is a great tool for monitoring Solo & Phase Invert when mixing & mastering. Also,Can changes the Mid-Side balance. DeeChannelTool has 2 Analog Console simulators that can simulate the over-drive sound. TYPE-A : The sound will be clear & more stereo feeling. TYPE-N : The sound will be punchy.Dotec-Audio DeeMax
Maximizer. You can easily add loudness without disturbing the taste. Only one slider will control everything.Dotec-Audio DeeComp
Compressor. Not by tubes, nor by transistors, DeeComp realizes an ideal dynamics solution from software calculations. DeeComp brings you a wide variety of sound-making, including some specific sound that famous simulated/emulated comp VSTs or even hardware comps can never create. You can process any kind of sound sources to best result. DeeComp would be your first choice.Dotec-Audio DeeFat
DeeFat Auto Compressor / VST & AU plug-in. You can get FAT sounds !Dotec-Audio DeeTrim
DeeTrim Auto Leveler / VST & AU plug-in.Dotec-Audio DeeGate
Noise gate. DeeGate is a very simple noise gate that mutes sounds smaller than the volume you set.Dotec-Audio DeePanpot
Channel tool. Controls PAN of the stereo source, not the BALANCE!Dotec-Audio DeeGain
Channel tool. Insert DeeGain between the other effect plugins, then it will work like the gain/trim control of a mixer console.Dotec-Audio DeeSpeaker
Monitor Simulator. DeeSpeaker is a plugin which simulates near-field speaker that areplaced at an angle of 45 degrees to 1m destination with a headphone.home page:
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