Cockos REAPER v6.0.2 WiN

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Cockos REAPER v6.0.2 WiN
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Cockos REAPER v6.0.2 WiN

Cockos REAPER v6.0.2 WiN

Team R2R | 13 January 2020 | 24.1 MB

REAPER is a complete digital audio production application for computers, offering a full multitrack audio and MIDI recording, editing, processing, mixing and mastering toolset.

REAPER 6.02: The Aristocrats!

MIDI editor
do not reset velocity for new notes when editing in velocity lane, only when editing velocity on note directly or using reset mouse modifier
optimize CC lane drawing performance
fix default CC shape not persisting when reopening REAPER
fix first inserted CC event ignoring default curve shape in some situations
fix option to show note names on notes not persisting when reopening REAPER
fix right-click and double-click behavior in inline MIDI editor
fix inline editor CC lane display when also showing media item lane in normal MIDI editor
only draw filled CC envelope for the active channel in the active media item
prevent flicker when scrolling editor in synced view mode
refresh open editors after changing default MIDI note colormap
remove support for per-media-item note colormaps
support marquee selection even if modifier key is released before mouse
sync timebase to arrange view without re-centering
improve text display of project markers/regions
when modifying CC lanes, update any inline editors

add hidpi images for generic UI sliders, track send sliders
improve marker/region display
improve transport buttons in media explorer/MIDI editor/etc
improve MIDI editor track list display
improve diamond/triangle note appearance in MIDI editor
improve inline MIDI editor display

Theme Adjuster supports ctrl+Z for undo
add new mono button image
add 5.0 toolbar images to 5.0 theme
add additional hidpi/retina images

switch active plug-in before showing context menu when right clicking in FX chain
improve automated parameter behavior when moving items with FX automation across tracks

add MARKER_GUID:X to get the unique identifier of a project marker or region
remove support for deprecated/unused MIDI support file types

improve close button/topmost pin positioning when floating
improve appearance/brightness of built-in buttons
allow resizing toolbar when frameless and very small

add support for VST3 plugins that output MIDI CC data, via LegacyMIDICCOutEvent
replace input audio rather than summing for VST3 instruments that have sidechain input but no main input
add Windows HiDPI compatibility setting that affects floating plug-in UIs

fix topmost pin bugs, auto-lower pinned windows while modal window is present
option to ignore alt-key presses affects FX chains, FX browser, Video, Media Explorer windows
improve Windows IAccessible support for STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED

add per-plugin menu item to force reanalysis of media (for example, after using external editor)

add experimental option to support dark mode on 10.14+ (in preferences/general/advanced)

Media items
optimize display of text notes in media items

fix incorrect track number being displayed in certain instances

improve voice-reuse logic in certain voice-starved situations (old mode used on existing projects, additional hidden VST parameter)

Tempo map
further improve behavior of actions to insert measure from loop selection

prevent stale tooltips from persisting when switching active windows

disable playback offset by default (disabled is equivalent to enabled with zero offset)

improve FX parameter behavior when undoing the addition of envelopes/parameter modulation/LFO

Web interface
avoid UI hangs when unable to resolve

home page:


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Views: 623


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