ADSR Sounds FM8 Expert Panel Explained TUTORiAL
P2P | 02 June 2015 | 872 MB
Within minutes of downloading our new Master Class Videos, you’ll take your FM8 skills to a whole new level.
If you are a heavy FM8 user like we are, you’ll want to read every word of this message. You may be a self-taught FM8 user, or maybe you’ve worked your way through our first FM8 course, and you are ready to discover the insights and shortcuts that will put you on a new plane of production skill.
Our brand spankin’ new FM8 Master Class video does just that. You’ll get five in-depth videos giving you a comprehensive “over-the-shoulder” teaching approach. From the FM Matrix and Operators to Sound Design, you’ll learn how to work faster, smarter, be more effective and have more fun than you’ve ever had with any sound design software.
Even better, you can have it right now. All five videos are ready for immediate download to your hard drive for you to rip into right away!
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