Site News: September 2016
1. Was added the button "Add To Bookmarks", so you can add our site to your browser bookmarks and not to lose us.

2. Was added possibility to requests to publish the unpublished sample packs, that you need. Our team will try to post this content on the site! We can't guarantee that all your requests will be published, but some of them surely will appear on the site.

3. You can share with us an unique material, which never been published anywhere else in free access. Click on the "Provide us the material" and send a message to BigSound. We will be very grateful to you for your contribution to the development of the site.

4. Was added possibility to share our news in a social networks. If you like the news, please share this news in social networks. It takes a few seconds and will be very helpful for our site.

We remind you about registration and authorization through a social networks
For your comfort was added possibility for registration and authorization through a social networks. Just click on the appropriate icon and follow the instructions. It takes a few seconds.

Thank you for staying with us.
We are hard working to making this place the real audio-paradise for you!
Best regards, your SamplesHome
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