Udemy - Learn Piano #6 - Jazz Cocktail Sound 7b9 in Piano Bar Music TUTORiAL
Learn Music Harmony on how to alter a tone in V7 piano chords to play cool jazzy music. Learn Piano Runs & Piano Fills.
Learn Piano Level 6 - Intermediate Level - Continue to learn how to reharmonize a song from its basic structure using only Basic Major Chords in Away in A Manger.
We are now moving into more advanced piano playing in this Reharmonization Series. Many of my students love piano bar music and they want to capture those cocktail sounds in their music arrangement. Did you know that it is not difficult at all to create those sounds? If you are following this Reharmonization series, make sure you grasp the concept of Dominant Chords & Secondary Dominant Chords in Level 5.
Here's the Secret: To get into cool jazzy style of playing, you need to focus on the dominant chords and secondary dominant chords. Learn to just alter one tone, and that tone will create that cocktail sound that you want to hear in your music. Cocktail style of music functions and moves in the Circle movement of 6-2-5-1. The TRICK is to alter a tone in some of these dominant chords.
In this course, you are going to learn Music Tips to alter a tone in the dominant chords to create the cocktail sound in piano bar music. This is just the 'beginning' of learning basic music fundamentals to create cocktail sounds. Learn Piano Level 6 is part of a series of a 10 Level course. So if you are a beginner, you will need Learn Piano Level 1 to Level 5 to give you that foundation to do chord substitution to secondary dominants. This is the 6th level of reharmonizing "Away in a Manger" to Level 6. Keyboard diagrams and charts will not include the earlier levels.
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