TBProAudio - Impress v1.5-ROTHSCHILD
Impress is a wideband stereo compressor including side-chaining,
various prefilter options and state-of-the-art over sampling.
The goal of the design was to cover a broad range of compression applications in today's mixing and mastering situations with strong focus on low aliasing. So, Impress could be used to shape subtle a snare sound, glue different tracks on instrument bus and even do complex tasks like deessing or voice over's.
-Zero latency click-free 64-bit internal processing
-Low aliasing compressor design
-"real" oversampling, up to 8x
-Stereo/left/right/mid/side processing
-External side-chain
-Main signal multiband filter, up to 192 dB/Oct (Linkwitz-Riley design)
-Detector signal prefilter, up to 192 dB/Oct
-2 compressor modes: classic and clean (low aliasing)
-3 gain stage modes: modern, vintage and vintage clean (including thermal noise emulation)
-2 level detection modes: peak and RMS
-Short/long attack/release times
-Low aliasing soft knee
-Limit gain reduction
-Flexible signal monitoring
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