TRACER | APR-29-2015 | 326.5 MBTRAKTOR PRO 2 is the world-renowned, rock-solid 4-deck DJ software that gets you mixing straight out the box. Now with TRAKTOR 2 Technology Inside for enhanced ease-of-use, performance and creativity, this version boasts a new interface with TruWave colored waveforms for a visually rich experience of your music. Simpler than ever to use, TRAKTOR PRO 2 also sees the arrival of the new Sample Decks and Loop Recorder features for ultimate mix creativity.
CHANGELOG v2.8.0:What’s New in TRAKTOR PRO 2.8.0
TRAKTOR PRO 2.8.0 contains some substantial changes to the core of
the software, along with numerous other feature enhancements,
improvement, and bug fixes. The list below provides a comprehensive
overview of all changes since the last public release (TRAKTOR PRO
2.7.3) including the improvements in the two Public Beta releases
(TRAKTOR PRO 2.7.4 and 2.7.5):
2.1. 64-Bit Application Architecture
TRAKTOR PRO now has 64-bit architecture. By making TRAKTOR PRO a
64-bit application, it allows TRAKTOR PRO to access all the available
RAM on computers with 64-bit operating systems; previously, TRAKTOR
PRO could only access a maximum of 2GB of RAM regardless of how
much RAM was actually installed and available on the computer. By giving
TRAKTOR PRO access to more RAM, it will increase performance of the
software by allowing management of more items (larger Track Collections,
more Remix Deck samples, better playback caching, etc.).
Are you still using a 32-bit version of Windows? With this release, the 32-
bit version of TRAKTOR PRO can now also access an additional 1GB of
RAM (if the computer has it available) providing additional performance
and stability.
ATTENTION 64-BIT WINDOWS USERS: If you are using an audio
interface which only has 32-bit drivers, be sure you are also using the 32-
bit version of TRAKTOR PRO in order to access the low-latency ASIO
drivers for the audio interface, otherwise your audio interface won’t be
selectable in the TRAKTOR PRO Preferences. If you have a 64-bit
operating system, the Installer will have installed the 64-bit version of the
application by default and you will need to take a few extra steps to run the
32-bit version as follows:
1. Go to "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Traktor
2”. In this folder you will find the current 64-bit version of TRAKTOR
PRO called “Traktor.exe”. Please rename this to “Traktor
64.exe” so that you have a backup of this version.
2. Please then open the “x86” subfolder. You will find another
“Traktor.exe” inside. This is the 32-bit version of TRAKTOR
PRO. Please move or copy this application up one sub-folder to the
"C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Traktor 2”
3. Now launch this newly copied “Traktor.exe”—this will now be
the 32-bit version of TRAKTOR PRO.
2.2. Multi-Processor Improvement
A significant update has just been made to TRAKTOR PRO where multi-
processor support is concerned: TRAKTOR PRO’s old audio threading
model has been completely updated and optimised. For users of multi-
processor computers who were experiencing degraded audio performance
since the release of TRAKTOR PRO 2.7.0, the new threading model
should fix these issues automatically.
2.3. Automatic Deck Flavor Switching
TRAKTOR PRO now features full Automatic Deck Flavor Switching for all
users; previously, this was only working when loading items via the
KONTROL S8 Browser. Now, loading or dragging a Track or Remix Set
onto a Deck will cause the Deck to automatically switch to the appropriate
flavor to play the content.
2.4. Parallel Audio Analysis
Also new in this version is a special analysis mode called “Parallel
Processing”. This option can be found at the bottom of the Analysis window which appears when you right-click on tracks and choose
“Analyze (Async)” from the context menu. If you enable the Parallel
Processing checkbox before clicking “OK", TRAKTOR PRO will then use
multiple threads to process many tracks simultaneously. Our tests show
that processing a large collection of files can now be done three times
faster with this option enabled. Be aware, however, that TRAKTOR PRO
will use lots of your computer’s resources to do this and it may affect
playback of tracks. We therefore only recommend using this feature in an
offline situation rather than during a live performance.
2.5. Support for the New TRAKTOR KONTROL D2
TRAKTOR PRO 2.8.0 supports the new KONTROL D2 hardware
controller. The D2 will be officially released on May 4th, 2015.
2.6. Spin, Scratch & Hold a Playing Deck with KONTROL S8 or D2
New is a preference for the KONTROL S8 and KONTROL D2 which
changes the SHIFT-behavior of the Touchstrip while a Deck is playing.
Previously, holding SHIFT and touching the Touchstrip would perform an
Absolute Seek (the Deck’s position would jump to the location
corresponding to the touch on the Touchstrip). With this new preference
enabled, this behavior is changed so holding SHIFT will allow you to
perform spins, scratches, and holds with the Touchstrip while the Deck is
NOTE: Backspins are enhanced by the fact that TRAKTOR PRO will stop
the spin as soon as you release the SHIFT button. You can therefore
perform a backspin effect for 2 beats by turning on FLUX mode, holding
SHIFT, and swiping backwards on the Touchstrip. Two beats later, release
the SHIFT button and the spin will stop and normal playback will resume
right on the beat you desire.
2.7. KONTROL S8 and D2 Beat Grid Edit Mode Zoom
When enabling Beat Grid Edit Mode on the KONTROL S8 or KONTROL
D2, the left-most Performance Button will now be active. Pressing this
button will zoom in on Beat 1 allowing you to set the position of the Beat
Grid with greater precision. Press the button again to exit the zoom.
2.8. KONTROL S8 and D2 Position-Aware Beat Grid Tempo
When in Beat Grid Edit Mode on the KONTROL S8 or KONTROL D2, the
two center Performance Knobs are used for adjusting the Tempo of the
Beat Grid—the left knob is a coarse adjustment while the right knob is a
fine adjustment. The new improvement is that these knobs are scaled
based on the viewing position of Beat Grid Edit Mode so that adjustments
made far away from the Grid Marker don’t result in abrupt changes to the
waveform position. For example, if you are near the Grid Marker at the
start of a song and change the Tempo of the Beat Grid, you will see the
waveform move under the Beat Grid by a particular amount. If you then
scan later into the track, adjusting the Tempo will create a similar amount
of motion on the waveform (rather than a large amount of motion) thus
allowing for precise setting of the Beat Grid Tempo over the length of the
2.9. KONTROL S8 and D2 MIDI Controls
We've added a new feature to KONTROL S8 (which is also available on
KONTROL D2) that allows you to use the Performance Knobs,
Performance Buttons, and the Performance Faders below the Displays as
MIDI output controls. You can therefore use these controls to send MIDI
messages to other software or external gear. This feature is not enabled
by default and requires some configuration as follows:
1. In the KONTROL S8 or D2 Preferences Pane, check the "Enable
MIDI controls" preference at the bottom.
2. Click on the Controller Manager tab in the Preferences.
3. Create a new Generic MIDI Device by clicking the "Add..." button
and choosing "Generic MIDI" from the list.
4. In the upper-right corner, select the MIDI port to use as the output
for this Generic MIDI device. This can be the MIDI port on the S8,
or it can be any other MIDI port available on your computer.
5. The next thing that needs to be done is to assign the MIDI message
and MIDI channel to the various MIDI controls. Click the "Add out..."
button and navigate to "Global > MIDI Controls >". Here you will find
a list of the 8 Knobs, buttons, and faders on the S8 which can be
mapped; if using KONTROL D2, the first 4 knobs, faders, and
buttons correspond to the left controller (assigned to Decks A and
C) while the last 4 knobs, faders, and buttons correspond to the
right controller (assigned to Decks B and D). Click one to add it to
the mapping.
6. Click the Device Mapping drop-down menu and it will show a list of 16 MIDI Channels. Hover you mouse over your desired MIDI output
channel, and a sub-menu will open with message types "CC",
"Note", and "Pitch Bend". You can select Pitch Bend to map the
MIDI Pitch Bend message to this control, or you can hover your
mouse over one of the other two menus to open up a list of specific
CC and Note numbers/names–you can then click one of these to
map the control to the specified Note or CC.
7. Repeat the above two steps for each of the MIDI controls you want
to map. When finished, you can close the Preferences.
8. On the S8 or D2, use the Performance Mode Buttons (the
arrows next to the Displays) to switch the Performance Controls into
MIDI Mode (this MIDI mode page will not appear if the above
preference is not turned on).
9. When the Performance Controls are in view on the S8 or D2, the
Knobs and Buttons will output the MIDI messages that you
assigned in the Controller Manager. The Faders will also output
MIDI messages if they are not controlling a Remix Deck (in other
words, neither of the Decks controlled by that side of the S8 or D2
can be Remix Decks, otherwise the faders will control the Remix
Deck Slot Volumes instead of outputting MIDI).
2.10. Pioneer CDJ-900NXS and XDJ-1000 Integration
Full native support for these two Pioneer players, including all available
new functions provided on the XDJ’s touch screen interface, is now
integrated into TRAKTOR PRO.
2.11. Rane MP2015 Scratch Certification
The Rane MP2015 rotary mixer is now Scratch Certified and can be used
as an audio interface for TRAKTOR PRO in conjunction with Timecode
vinyl and/or CDs.
2.12. Additional Bugfixes
• Beta #2 (2.7.5) had a problem with FX routing modes—this issue has now
been fixed.
• Beta #2 also had a problem with playback of long M4A (AAC) files in the
32-bit version of the application. This has been fixed.
• Beta #2 sometimes exhibited crackling when loading new tracks into
Decks. This version resolves this issue.
• Beta #2 could have high CPU spikes when used on some low-performance systems. We have made a change which prevents this.
• We fixed a problem where TRAKTOR PRO would unnecessarily update
the tags of tracks which are in the Preparation List at startup.
• An issue was reported where TRAKTOR PRO could hang when accessing
the Explorer node of the Browser Tree. This issue has been fixed.
• At the same time, we also fixed an issue that could cause TRAKTOR PRO
to crash when opening an Archive folder containing over 2500 .nml files.
• We fixed an issue where TRAKTOR PRO would unnecessarily update all
file tags when clicking on a Playlist .nml in the Explorer node of the
Browser Tree.
• We also fixed an issue where TRAKTOR PRO would unnecessarily
update file tags when deleting items from a Playlist.
• We fixed the CPU Load spike that can sometimes occur when engaging
Keylock or Filter for the first time.
• There was a problem where you sometimes couldn't re-order tracks in a
Playlist without first clicking the "#" column twice and this has been fixed.
• The Battery Indicator in TRAKTOR PRO's header was broken on some
64-bit systems and wouldn't show the battery level. This is now fixed.
• An improvement has been made to MP4 (AAC) audio handling on
Windows which should remove crackling during playback of these file
• When adjusting the Master Clock Tempo via the S8 or D2, we have
removed the "Hold BACK to Reset" text since this function wasn't valid for
the Master Clock.
• This version contains a fix for some crashes on startup which were part of
the first Beta (2.7.4)
• There were also reports of crashes or hangs on shutdown on some
Windows systems and we have made a fix for it.
• A bug was reported in 2.7.3 where a Deck would stop when loading a
track into the playing Deck regardless of preference settings. This issue
has now been fixed—loading a track into a playing track will leave the
Deck playing so you immediately hear the newly-loaded track.
• We also fixed an issue where jumping out of an Active Loop via a HotCue
would disable the Loop—the Loop will now remain active when doing this
just like in TRAKTOR PRO 2.6.8.
• Fixed a problem where memory corruption could occur when browsing and
sorting the Explorer node under very specific conditions with the S8 or D2.
• Lastly, we fixed two issues which occurred when making changes to
tracks (such as changing the track Rating) in the Explorer node while that
same track was already playing in a Deck; doing so could result in the
analyzed tempo being lost (causing the track to fall out of sync) or removal
of the “played” checkmarks from the track. These issues should no longer
2.13. Controller Editor
Controller Editor has been upgraded to version to support
KONTROL D2 in addition to other improvements and bugfixes.
3. Known Issues in TRAKTOR PRO 2.8.0
3.1. No ALAC Support on Windows
This issue still exists since Microsoft doesn’t offer any native ALAC
support and since Apple’s QuickTime library has been deprecated. While
this beta version does not solve the problem for Windows users, we are
still investigating ways of adding this support to TRAKTOR itself since we
can no longer rely on the original libraries we used for providing this
3.2. Fullscreen Issues on Windows
Some Windows users with high-resolution monitors are experiencing
trouble when setting TRAKTOR to Full Screen Mode. This problem
appears to only occur when the “Change the size of all items” Display
Preference is set to a value larger than 125%. Therefore, if you are
experiencing the problem, setting the preference to 125% or smaller
should temporarily fix the issue while we continue to investigate a
permanent fix.
3.3. Crackling During Playback of WMA Files on Windows
We have now diagnosed the issue that is causing the WMA playback
problem on Windows, but we still need to implement a workaround for the
problem which will take more time. Therefore, WMA playback issues still
exist in this release version.
3.4. High CPU Load when Loading Tracks on OS X 10.8
OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion is no longer supported in TRAKTOR PRO 2.8.0.
Users of OS X 10.8 may find high CPU load when loading Tracks into the
Decks. If you experience this, please upgrade your OS to at least OS X
10.9 Mavericks.
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