Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir KONTAKT
TEAM MAGNETRiXX 03 November 2013 | 8.88 GB
We here at Soundiron are proud to reveal the single most comprehensive, playable and powerfully sampled children’s choir ever released: The Mercury Symphonic Boychoir. We took all of what we learned in the development of our Olympic Symphonic Choirs — Mars and Venus — and designed our most powerful yet easy-to-use choir library yet.
There is a special sound to a traditional English boy’s choral ensemble — solemn lows, angelic highs and an overwhelming innocence that harkens back to the days of youth and purity. With Mercury, we managed to capture this unique quality as we painstakingly sampled a full boy’s choral ensemble (ages 8-13) in the same large crystal-clear hall in which we recorded our Olympus choirs. More specifications are coming soon but Mercury will feature 42 staccatos & 42 sustaining marcatos all with deep round-robin and stacking/layering options, 18 tempo-syncing Latin poly-syllabic sustains with phrase-synchronus polyphonic legato, unique fff poly-staccatos, 6 dynamic true legato vowels (ah, oh, oo, eh, ee, mm) with real-time speed control from fluid to tight, plus a classic ensemble whistle legato. It also includes drone and whispering chants, staccatos and sutains, trills, sweeps, swells and other choral effects. You’ll also find two exquisite soloists (younger soprano and older alto), each with a wide range of poly-syllabic phrases, staccatos and a fluid true legato vowel sustain for each.
Mercury features a full boy’s choral ensemble (ages 8-13) and 2 soloists, singing traditional Catholic Latin, including a full range of standard vowel and consonant sounds.
2 masterfully mixed composite microphone positions (stage and hall), carefully blended from an array of 12 discreet large diaphragm Neumann Microphones, with wide pairs ranging in distance from 1 meter to 20 meters. Surround mixing is made simple, with the best balance between placement, flexibility and performance, without compromising the truly awesome sound these boys deliver.
In addition to the true legato chorus sustains, ALL sustaining articulations in the library include 3-part polyphonic pseudo-legato (all vowel sustains, fast & slow polysustains, soloist vowel sustains, soloist slow & melodic poly-sustains).
NKI Program Presets
This library is designed for the full retail version of Kontakt 4.2.4 or later. All tempo-synching and speed-control presets require Kontakt 5. However, all core presets are Kontakt 4 compatible.
Several presets also include our custom Phrasemaster adaptive phrase-building system, which allows you to automatically progress through a sequence of staccato or marcato syllables, advancing to the next one each time you play a new note, with up to 16 sequencable presets that can be arranged, modified and triggered in realtime using automation and keyswitching.
We’re also proud to introduce our new Wordmaster system, a powerful marcato/staccato sequencing tool that let’s you choose from 42 different words for two independent articulation layers and switch them from staccato to sustaining marcato at the push of a button or press of a keyswitch. It provides the convenience of instant word-building with the quality, realism and reliability of hand-tailored content.
Full Chorus
•2 Room positions (close and far), created from a blend of 12 large diaphragm Neumann microphones
•Specifically designed for easy surround sound mixing, mix customization and resource efficiency
•A chorus of 31 singers from the award-winning Pacific Boychoir.
•New Word Master System – an easy-to-use graphical interface that lets you choose from dozens of sustaining marcato words and staccato syllables on the fly, all with multi-layer selection and blending, legato, key-switching and more.
•Combined Marcato/Staccato Phrase Builder with preset saving and the ability to store and cycle or keyswitch between up to 16 different user created sequences
•42 Marcatos w/ deep round-robin and pp/fff dynamic layering
•42 Staccatos w/ 4x round-robin, including pp/fff dynamic layering on 6 core vowels
•18 Traditional Latin Polysustains w/ tempo-synching, legato & 2x rr releases
•Whispered Polysustains
•Atonal Droning and Spoken Polysustains
•Dynamic Layered PP/FF True Legato Vowels (Ah, Oh, Oo, Eh, Ee and Mm)
•Classic Ensemble Whistle legato
•Unique FFF Poly-staccatos
•2 soloists, one young (soprano) and one older (alto).
•The Soloists feature a variety of staccatos, poly-syllabic phrases, and a fluid true legato vowel each.
•Tempo-synching and time-stretching presets optimized for Kontakt 5
•A deep bonus collection of custom ambient soundscapes, drones, pads and atmospheres hand-crafted using the original choral source
•Integrated DSP effects and custom convolution impulses included
•Fully automatable custom user interface
•High speed Amazon download w/ no waiting in line.
15.5 GB Installed
14,605 Samples
77 nki instrument presets
24 bit / 48kHz stereo PCM wav format
Open format to allow user customization
Format(s): Kontakt 4 & 5 .nki and pcm .wav
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