AOM Factory Total Bundle v1.18.2 CE WiN

Team V.R | 26 January 2025 | 180.12 MB
Total Bundle is a special and discounted license type which covers all plugins. Newly-released plugins are immediately available under a valid Total Bundle license. You can also get discount the amount of corresponding 1-year license price, when you buy each perpetual license of individual plugins in future (choose "1y to perpetual extension").
⚡ Dynamics
★ DeSibilizer - De-esser
★ Invisible Limiter - Transparent Mastering Limiter
★ Invisible Limiter G2 - Transparent Mastering Limiter
★ Invisible Limiter G3 - Transparent Mastering Limiter
★ Invisible Limiter LL - Transparent Mastering Limiter (New)
★ Nu Compressor - Track Compressor
★ Tau Compressor Plus - Track Compressor
⚡ Equalizer
★ TranQuilizr - Transparent Equalizer
★ TranQuilizr G2 - Transparent Equalizer
⚡ Reverb
★ Kujaku - Convolution-based Multi FX
⚡ Pan / Spatial
★ Cyclic Panner - Axis Transformation Panner
★ Stereo Imager D - True-Stereo Image Manipulator
⚡ Glitch
★ Wave Shredder - Waveform Destruction
⚡ Mastering
★ Sakura Dither - Ergonomic Bit Reduction
⚡ Utility
★ Triple Fader - Three Faders.
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Team R2R | 14 November 2022 | 121.7 MB Total Bundle is a special and discounted license type which covers all plugins. Newly-released plugins are immediately available under a valid Total Bundle license. You can also get discount the amount of corresponding 1-year license price, when you buy each perpetual license of individual plugins in future (choose "1y to perpetual extension")....

MOCHA | 24 October 2022 | Generic+AVX2 | 809.13 MB Total Bundle is a special and discounted license type which covers all plugins. Newly-released plugins are immediately available under a valid Total Bundle license. You can also get discount the amount of corresponding 1-year license price, when you buy each perpetual license of individual plugins in future (choose "1y to perpetual extension")....

MOCHA | 05 August 2022 | 303 MB Total Bundle is a special and discounted license type which covers all plugins. Newly-released plugins are immediately available under a valid Total Bundle license. You can also get discount the amount of corresponding 1-year license price, when you buy each perpetual license of individual plugins in future (choose "1y to perpetual extension")....

MOCHA | 09 July 2022 | 171 MB DeSibilizer - De-esser / Invisible Limiter - Transparent Mastering Limiter / Invisible Limiter G2 - Transparent Mastering Limiter / Nu Compressor - Track Compressor / Tau Compressor Plus - Track Compressor / tranQuilizr - Transparent Equalizer / tranQuilizr G2 - Transparent Equalizer / Cyclic Panner - Axis Transformation Panner / Stereo Imager D - True-Stereo Image...
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