Groove3 Logic Pro for the Virtual Composer Explained TUTORiAL

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Groove3 Logic Pro for the Virtual Composer Explained TUTORiAL
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Groove3 Logic Pro for the Virtual Composer Explained TUTORiAL

Groove3 Logic Pro for the Virtual Composer Explained TUTORiAL

P2P | 25 January 2025 | 236 MB

Logic Pro expert Stephen O'Connell presents a highly informative Logic Pro video course dedicated specifically to Logic Pro users composing primarily with MIDI instruments. Not only will you learn techniques for easing the burden on your CPU when dealing with resource-intensive VIs, but you will also discover plenty of other helpful tips, such as working with multi-timbral instruments, signal flow routing, resampling sounds, and much more, all of which will greatly improve your workflow. These videos are designed for intermediate Logic Pro users who work with predominantly virtual instruments on a regular basis.

Stephen begins with a brief overview of everything that will be covered in this course and then gets right down to business, examining how Logic Pro handles CPU resources and illustrating various ways to maximize your resources in this regard. You'll also learn how to freeze or disable tracks that aren't being readily worked on, which will lighten the load considerably (especially in larger sessions), and how to optimize your system for running third-party MIDI libraries.

Next, Stephen will show you how to start up Logic Pro without the core audio driver. This is helpful when trying to deal with projects that won't open correctly or possibly contain corrupted data, etc. This is followed by a demonstration on how to resample sounds from a library when you only need a few notes or phrases, thereby freeing up valuable CPU resources for the other more heavily used instruments.

There's plenty more to come as well, including MIDI basics (a refresher course on MIDI channels, controls, etc.), using multi-timbral voices (for building complex sounds with lower CPU strain), using Articulation Sets (an alternative to keyswitches), signal flow tips (using Track Stacks, Groups, and VCAs), stem-preparation tips (for working with collaborators or delivery of stems for various other purposes), using presets and templates (for more efficiency), and more!

Composing for multiple instruments requires enough effort on its own without having to battle CPU-related issues, many of which can really impede your flow when you're in the zone. With the skills learned in this Logic Pro video course, you can rest assured that you're setting yourself up for success with your very next project. See the individual Logic video tutorial descriptions for more information on everything that will be covered and the ways in which this information can transform your workflow. Get the most out of your Logic Pro rig... Watch "Logic Pro for the Virtual Composer Explained®" today!

What You Will Learn:

-Making important tweaks in Logic Pro's global settings to maximize performance based on a specific type of session.

-Brushing up on critical MIDI basics like MIDI channels, controls, etc., all of which are used extensively by the virtual composer.

-Using multi-timbral instruments to construct complex, sophisticated sounds with relatively low CPU usage.

-Tips on optimizing Logic Pro when using third-party instrument libraries.

-And much more!

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