pailiaq inharmonic/harmonic Modulating Sub Bass Synth Presets

FANTASTiC | 28 September 2024 | 9 KB
Here's a quick lil device I've made recently, experimenting with inharmonic sub basses. This idea came to me while playing the didgeridoo, and purposefully singing off-key with the bass drone at the same time to create tremolo and inharmonic modulations
essentially this is just an operator sub bass patch, where the first oscillator is just the fundamental, and the second oscillator is all of the harmonics. there is an LFO controlling the pitch of only the harmonics, wobbling with vibrato. The end result is really satisfying imo - a deep, strong and stable sub bass with pulsing overtones. It feels almost like the dynamic wonky sub patch I've showcased previously, but the fundamental is constant which gives it a lot more stability
there is an envelope follower attached, which controls the depth/LFO amount. Put the envelope follower on your kick and play with the release/decay times - thus every time the kick plays, your sub will be harmonically aligned with the fundamental, and then drift into the wobbly pattern.
Osc B level controls the volume of the harmonics. I'm getting pretty good results with a pretty low depth (5-20%). IF the depth is turned too high, then the first overtone will start to drift down close to the fundamental, causing phase interference
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