Hornet Hatefish Rhy Generator v1.2.3 WiN

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Hornet Hatefish Rhy Generator v1.2.3 WiN
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Hornet Hatefish Rhy Generator v1.2.3 WiN

Hornet Hatefish Rhy Generator v1.2.3 WiN

MOCHA | 02 August 2024 | 1.2 MB

RhyGenerator is an Euclidean step sequencer made by HoRNet Plugins together with the electronic music artist HATEFISh. The sequencer is designed to distribute as evenly as possible a certain number of “beats” in given number of “steps”, wikipedia explains it better:

The Euclidean rhythm in music was discovered by Godfried Toussaint in 2004 and is described in a 2005 paper “The Euclidean Algorithm Generates Traditional Musical Rhythms”. [1] The greatest common divisor of two numbers is used rhythmically giving the number of beats and silences, generating almost all of the most important World Music rhythms, [2] (except Indian). [3] The beats in the resulting rhythms are as equidistant as possible; the same results can be obtained from the Bresenham algorithm.

Simply put, with RhyGenerator you can create up to 16 different rhythms, consisting of up to 32 steps each. Those 16 lanes you have on the GUI of the plugin are actually 16 different step sequencer linked to your DAW tempo and each of the sequencer can work in multiple modes:

✓ Single note
✓ Arpeggiator up
✓ Arpeggiator down
✓ Chord
✓ MIDI Control

In the “Note” mode the sequencer outputs the specified note following the rhythm generated by the Euclidean algorithm, in “Arpeggiator up” or “Arpeggiator down” mode the sequencer outputs the notes on the plugin input from lowest to highest (or vice versa) following the specified rhythmic pattern.

In “Chord” mode all the notes on the input are played together on every active beat and in the last mode, the “Control” mode MIDI control change messages are used instead of notes, allowing you to automate rhythmically any parameter of your synths .
Every one of the sequencers allows you to control the number of steps and beats separately, also the the note mode you can control the velocity and the length of the note, in the control change mode the note number becomes the “control number” and the velocity becomes the “control value”.

Of course you can assign a different MIDI channel to every one of the step sequencer to be able to control up to 16 different synths and in addition to these controls we also thought it was cool to add an LFO to every sequencer that can modulate the MIDI message value, velocity for “Note” mode and value for “Control” mode.

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