ALM Co. Motto Akemie v1.1 WiN

MOCHA | 02 June 2024 | 2.2 MB
Motto Akemie: FM Drum Synth and Step Sequencer
'Motto Akemie' is a 6 Voice FM drum synth and step sequencer for your DAW.
Each voice is inspired by our renowned 'Akemie's Taiko' eurorack module featuring similar controls and playful FM sounds from pure sinusoidal oscillations to mega clonks to chaotic self-feedbacking enveloped noise.
The built in multitrack step sequencer allows for quick polyrhythmic pattern creation with step modulation of all parameters, randomisation and Pam style scaling across storable pattern banks and presets.
Voices can also be played chromatically and controlled via MIDI with support for MTS-ESP microtuning.
✓ 6 Akemie's Taiko based FM drum voices.
✓ Dual operator voices with the Taiko controls and wavetables.
✓ Mute, solo and level controls per voice.
✓ Per voice step sequencers with variable sequence length and speed.
✓ Per step modulation sequencers for all voice parameters.
✓ Track randomise and clear quick controls.
✓ 16 pattern banks to quickly, copy, save and load patterns.
✓ Multi-channel DAW output support.
✓ Full automation and MIDI control per voice from separate MIDI channels.
✓ MTS-ESP support for microtuning.
✓ Intuitive and varied stock presets.
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