Khron Studio Monster Library Vol 2 WAV

FANTASTiC | 23 August 2023 | 49.18 MB
Monster library vol 2 is the second volume in a series of libraries, it's set on oversized monsters with a total of 107 fully mono compatible sounds. These 107 sounds have been carefully chosen so that you can have sound in any animation of your monster or creature, such as footsteps, deaths, sounds of receiving attack and attacking... Each sound has been provided with some variations for a better result. much more immersive.
All you'll ever need regarding magical elemental sounds [Use them again & again]
Use the sound effects over and over, in any of your projects or productions, forever without any additional fees or royalties. Use the SFX in your game, in your trailer, in a Kickstarter campaign, wherever you need to, as much as you want to.
Lots of creatures for your audiovisual project, Intuitive file naming and total mono compatibility.
You will get 107 with a wide variety of sounds for your monsters, we have tried to recreate some characteristics of creatures, such as breathing, deaths, different types of steps according to materials, eating, etc.
Product Details:
107 unique monster sounds
Performing attacks (different intensities)
Receiving attack sounds
All sounds have several variations
Include Dragon sounds
107 WAV Files in total
Format: 44,100 Hz / 16 bits
Minutes of audio provided: 4 minutes and 1 second
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