reFuse Software Bucketverb v1.1.0 WiN

Team R2R | 12 November 2022 | 5.08 MB
Bucketverb imagines an alternate history in which a rare bucket brigade delay (BBD) chip evolved into a sophisticated hardware unit perfect for ambience, lo-fi detuned decay, vocal presence, and more. Unlike standard, single-output BBD delays, analog reverbs used a special multi-tap BBD chip to create multiple simultaneous delay times. Sadly, this effect only showed up in a handful of products, before being swept out of popularity by the rise of digital reverbs.
Back in the hardware-only days, analog BBD reverbs were considered inferior to then-cutting edge digital reverbs. As Brian Eno once said, sounds that are “weird, ugly, uncomfortable” have a habit of being “cherished and emulated as soon as they can be avoided,” and so it goes with the distinct character of BBD reverb! With Bucketverb, you get the sonic signature and unique timing effects of an analog bucket brigade chip. What’s more, you get features like switchable stereo modes, including a dual-BBD Ensemble mode, which would have been prohibitively complex to achieve in hardware.
Analog modeled bucket brigade (BBD) reverb
Variable stereo width, even for mono sources
Dark ambience from a lost era of technology
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