Valiumdupeuple BiP Bounce In Place v1.7 Max for Live

P2P | 13 March 2022 | 459 KB
Everyone's waiting for a "bounce in place" feature in Ableton Live since ages.
Well, if you have M4L, here's the one-click-only solution device, with easy Push implementation.
Place the device on your master track (you can put it anywhere actually), key/midi map it, save it in your default template and you're done!
When you want to bounce something, just place your playhead on the desired track and press you key/midi mapped button - or Select+Rec on Push - done!
Also works with multiple tracks
Automatic naming : your new bounced audio file will conveniently be named "[rsmpl] name-of-the-recorded-track".
At the moment BiP is designed to work in Arrangement view only.
More recording modes and Destination Track options added in v1.5, check below.
Works in L9/L10/L11.
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