Isotonik Studios nativeKONTROL CrossFire Akai Fire Ableton Control Surface Script v1.0.1 WiN MacOSX

P2P | 07 June 2021 | 2.80 MB
CrossFire transforms the Akai Fire into a powerful Control Surface for Ableton Live. While it's primary focus is on Drum Rack control and sequencing, it includes many other features (such as Clip/Scene launching and selected Track control) that make it a great, all-around control option for Live.
Matrix Modes:
Step Mode for step-sequencing into MIDI Clips with powerful step editing features that allow you to modify aspects of steps such as their velocity and position.
Note Mode for playing instruments with various scales and layouts.
Drum Mode for playing Drum Racks or other drum-like instruments. This Mode includes 16 Levels functionality for playing a drum sound at 16 different velocity levels. Also included is Cycle Sequence functionality, which allows you to record and playback sequences of one or more notes from a single pad.
Performance Mode for launching, duplicating and deleting Clips and Scenes. This Mode also includes the ability to stop, mute, solo, select and arm Tracks.
Encoder Modes:
Chain and User Chain Modes for controlling parameters of the selected Drum Rack pad with easy to use and intelligent user mapping capabilities.
Mixer and User Mixer Modes for controlling parameters of the selected Track with easy to use and intelligent user mapping capabilities.
Global Mode for controlling global parameters such as tempo and global quantization.
Other Features:
Easy loading and hotswapping for Drum Racks.
Transport, navigation and view-related control.
Note Repeat functionality that allows pads to produce a stream of continuous, rhythmic notes at different rates.
Note Delete and Erase for easy editing of MIDI Clip data.
Track Locking for maintaining control over a particular Track even while you (or someone else you're working with) navigate to other Tracks in the Set.
Max for Live Integration with included documentation, devices and objects that make re-purposing controls in Max for Live devices a breeze.
Developer: nativeKONTROL
Compatibility: Ableton Live 10.0.6+
OS: Mac & Windows
Min. Requirements: Ableton Live 10.0.6
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