Sound Dust Table Of Elements Synth Presets

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Sound Dust Table Of Elements Synth Presets
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Sound Dust Table Of Elements Synth Presets

Sound Dust Table Of Elements Synth Presets

DISCOVER | 27 April 2021 | 127 MB

We follow the science... Table of Elements is an innovative approach to Omnisphere sound design. Every patch is a sonic re-creation of an element of the periodic table. Each a complex and unique texture with movement and rich sonic character that can evolve with modwheel and aftertouch manipulation.

A palette of beautiful, undulating, chilling, ecstatic, lustrous, warm, squashed, diaphanous pads that go from inspirational minimal ambience to full-blown cinematic opulence.

Long evolving notes move and swell with serpentine tempo synced motion that ebbs and flows with your music. Table of Elements is an (in)organic symphony of ear fruit - a catalyst for your creativity. And you might learn a bit about chemistry too.

'Yeah, you had me until you said you follow the science! That is something the STUPID IDIOTIC LEFTISTS say who are in favor of having all of our constitutional rights infringed upon say!!! My goodness. So, no thanks ...... Because why on EARTH, would I trust a plugin company who parrots whatever they hear on CNN or FB?? ' - an actual email - identity withheld for obvious reasons : )

"There comes a point on every production when you've done the basics, and now you need something new, interesting, unique and inspiring. So I navigate to my Sound Dust library where time and time again I'm surprised and thrilled by what I find " - Gary Barlow - yes 'that' Gary Barlow !

The periodic table of elements, is essentially an infographic that cleverly displays all the chemical elements, which are arranged by atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties.

Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published the first recognizable table in 1869, developed mainly to illustrate periodic trends of the then-known elements. He also predicted some properties of unidentified elements that were expected to fill gaps within the table. Most of his forecasts soon proved to be correct, culminating with the discovery of gallium and germanium in 1875 and 1886 respectively.

What's Inside ?
119 elemental patches, fully databased and for easy access prefixed with usefully Mendelevium categories...

ACTINIDE - radioactive: beautiful, volatile and maybe a bit scary

ALKALI METAL - reaction with water forms alkalies: mysterious and liquid

ALKALINE EARTH METAL - second most reactive: cold, austere, unstable

LANTHANIDE - silver-coloured metals : deep, complex, lustrous

METALLOID - between metals and non-metal: quixotic, surprising

NOBLE GAS - odourless, colourless, unreactive: light, amorphous, gassy

NON-METAL - do not produce heat or electricity and are structurally brittle: pulsating, rich, frangible

POST TRANSITIONAL METAL - AKA the poor metals: spiteful, agile, naive

TRANSITIONAL METAL - the largest group in the table: a bit of everything

60 compound multis - a combination of elemental patches that create gorgeous and complex sounds - eg H2O (hydrogen and oxygen)

All patches will have something cunning mapped to both Aftertouch and Mod Wheel, and are intended to be as expressive and malleable as something made from zeros & ones can possibly be.

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