Strezov Sampling The Performers Anonym Orthodox Choir KONTAKT

P2P | 10 March 2021 | 3.83 GB
An extensive phrase based collection of breathtaking and mystical Orthodox Chants put together with special focus on maximum flexibility and usability for composers and producers. Recorded at various tempi and on wholetone scale within one octave. Comes with open .wav files for import into the DAW or Sampler of your choice.
The Performers - Virtuosic performances at your fingertips
Strezov Sampling's The Performers range, focuses on virtuosic musical performances not possible to create with traditional multisampling methods, "Anonym Orthodox Choir" delivers an extensive collection of famous Orthodox Chants recorded with worldclass equipement at Sofia Session Studio and mixed down to three mic positions (Close, Decca and Hall).
All performances are wrapped together in a brandnew NI Kontakt based engine allowing the user to freely map all phrases and musical parts of phrases to their liking, thus creating new combinations beyond the well known layouts.
In order to ensure maximum usability and flexibility all performances were recorded with click at various tempi and on wholetone scale within one octave. You are not limited to certain tempi or keys with this collection. In addition to that the Performers Anonym Orthodox Choir also comes with open .wav files to import all performances into the DAW or sampler of your choice.
- ”Aah” drone sustains, looped (1xRR), C0 – B0
PHRASES (each recorded on wholetone scale within one octave):
1. Alleluia / Amin – 9 phrases
- Alleluia I – 110 BPM
- Alleluia II – 120 BPM
- Alleluia III – 120 BPM
- Alleluia IV – 105 BPM
- Alleluia V – 120 BPM
- Alleluia VI – 120 BPM
- Alleluia VII – 110 BPM
- Alleluia VIII – 130 BPM
- Amin
2. Chestneishuy – 3 phrases
- Chestneishuy 1 – 120 BPM
- Chestneishuy 2 – 120 BPM
- Chestneishuy 3 – 120 BPM
3. Chistaya Devo – 3 phrases
- Chistaya Devo 1 – 130 BPM
- Chistaya Devo 2 – 120 BPM
- Chistaya Devo 3 – 120 BPM
4. Dostoyno est – 3 phrases
- Dostoyno est 1 – 70 BPM
- Dostoyno est 2 – 70 BPM
- Dostoyno est 3 – 70 BPM
5. Gospodi pomilui – 4 phrases
- Gospodi pomilui
- Gospodi pomilui 1 – 55 BPM
- Gospodi pomilui 2 – 55 BPM
- Gospodi pomilui 3 – 60 BPM
6. Gospodi sil – 3 phrase
- Gospodi sil 1 – 120 BPM
- Gospodi sil 2 – 120 BPM
- Gospodi sil 3 – 120 BPM
7. Hristos voskrese – 2 phrases
- Hristos voskrese 1 – 60 BPM
- Hristos voskrese 2 – 60 BPM
8. Milost mira – 3 phrases
- Milost mira 1 – 80 BPM
- Milost mira 2 – 80 BPM
- Milost mira 3 – 75 BPM
9. Otche nash – 3 phrases
- Otche nash 1 – 65 BPM
- Otche nash 2 – 65 BPM
- Otche nash 3 – 65 BPM
10. Slava i nine – 3 phrases
- Slava i nine 1 – 120 BPM
- Slava i nine 2 – 120 BPM
- Slava i nine 3 – 120 BPM
11. S'nami Bog - 2 phrases
- S'nami Bog 1 - 130 BPM
- S'nami Bog 2 - 120 BPM
12. Spasi Gospodi – 3 phrases
- Spasi Gospodi 1 – 120 BPM
- Spasi Gospodi 2 – 120 BPM
- Spasi Gospodi 3 – 120 BPM
13. Spasi ni Sine Bojii – 3 phrases
- Spasi ni Sine Bojii 1 – 80 BPM
- Spasi ni Sine Bojii 2 – 90 BPM
- Spasi ni Sine Bojii 3 – 90 BPM
14. Spasi ot bed – 2 phrases
- Spasi ot bed 1 – 80 BPM
- Spasi ot bed 2 – 80 BPM
15. Svete tihiy – 2 phrases
- Svete tihiy 1 – 90 BPM
- Svete tihiy 2 – 70 BPM
16. Svyatiy Bozhe – 3 phrases
- Svyatiy Bozhe 1 – 80 BPM
- Svyatiy Bozhe 2 – 80 BPM
- Svyatiy Bozhe 3 – 75 BPM
17. Tebe poem – 3 phrases
- Tebe poem 1 – 50 BPM
- Tebe poem 2 – 50 BPM
- Tebe poem 3 – 50 BPM
18. Vladiku / Vozbrannoi – 5 phrases
- Vladiku 1 – 70 BPM
- Vladiku 2 – 70 BPM
- Vozbrannoi 1 – 110 BPM
- Vozbrannoi 2 – 110 BPM
- Vozbrannoi 3 – 80 BPM
19. Vsyakoe dihanie – 3 phrases
- Vsyakoe dihanie 1 – 110 BPM
- Vsyakoe dihanie 2 – 110 BPM
- Vsyakoe dihanie 3 – 110 BPM
Requires Native Instruments Kontakt 5.7.1+ FULL version!
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