Softube Transient Shaper v2.5.9 WiN

Team R2R | 05 January 2021 | 15.97 MB
Transient shaping has become a vital technique in music mixing. The abilities to sharpen or soften the onset of a sound and to lengthen or shorten the decay have been very useful for giving each sound just the right size and position in the mix.
Transient Shaper takes this concept one step further, by letting the user affect either the entire frequency range - which is what most similar tools do - or the treble frequencies or bass frequencies individually.
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30 Jan 2016 | WIN: 13 MB | OSX: 25 MB TS-1 is a frequency dependent transient shaper designed to manage the attack and sustain of an incoming audio signal. Thanks to our “Compression by Saturation” concept, TS-1 works great to add warmth and punch to your drum tracks without losing dynamics....

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