OwnHammer Impulse Response Libraries 212 RECT Bundle Impulse Response

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OwnHammer Impulse Response Libraries 212 RECT Bundle Impulse Response
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OwnHammer Impulse Response Libraries 212 RECT Bundle Impulse Response

OwnHammer Impulse Response Libraries 212 RECT Bundle Impulse Response

P2P | 31 October 2020 | 3.65 GB

"212 RECTO" based on a MESA / Boogie® horizontal Rectifier® 2x12 cabinet.

"EDVH" based on Celestion® G12EVH speakers.
"H75" based on Celestion® G12H-75 Creamback speakers.
"M25" based on 1993 Celestion® 6402 cone G12M-25's.
"M65" based on Celestion® G12M-65 Creamback speakers.
"V60" based on 60 watt Celestion® Vintage 30's.
"V70A" based on 2007 70 watt Celestion® T4416 Vintage 30's.
"V70B" based on 2001 70 watt Celestion® T4335 Vintage 30's.
"V70-MIX" based on a 50/50 blend of V70A and V70B.

In addition to the single speakers listed above, the following pre-made complimentary speaker pair mixes are also provided:

EVH + M65 H75-V70 M25-V60 M65 + EVH V60 + M25 V70 + H75

"57" based on a modern production Shure® SM57 dynamic mic.
"70" based on a Microtech Gefell ™ UMT70S condenser mic.
"121" based on a Royer® R121 ribbon mic.
"160" based on a Beyerdynamic® M160 ribbon mic.
"414" based on an AKG® C414B-ULS condenser mic.
"421" based on a vintage Telefunken ™ MD421 dynamic mic.
"MID" based on a mid field placed AEA® R92 ribbon mic.
"REAR" based on a vintage Neumann® KM84 condenser mic.
"ROOM" based on a vintage Neumann® KM84 condenser mic.

Wave audio format IR's (.wav) are compatible with convolution reverb type loaders in recording software and outboard hardware units and are provided in:

24 bit resolution
44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96 kHz sample rates
minimum phase transformed
mono channel count


If your platform cannot load .wav files, make sure you explore the free or commercial conversion applications available elsewhere for your device. As per Section 9. Terms of Sale of the Terms of Use Agreement, there are NO REFUNDS ON DIGITAL GOODS, which includes this library.

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