Cockos REAPER Portable v6.09 WiN

P2P | 28 April 2020 | 30.79 MB
This is portable version of REAPER. Cockos REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project).
► Basic features:
Portable - supports running from USB keys or other removable media
64 bit audio engine
Excellent low-latency performance
Multiprocessor capable
Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.
Extremely flexible routing
Fast, tool-less editing
Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)
Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects
ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite
Tightly coded - installer is just over 2MB
+ ARA: update SDK to version 1.99
+ Actions: display action IDs when running action to list all actions
+ Audio Units: fix scan issues with plug-in manufacturer names that begin with an opening bracket
+ File browsers: fix minor default extension issues
+ JSFX: sequencer_megababy: fix reading of note name files that do not have CRLF pairs
+ JSFX: sequencer_megababy: support reading note name files in same format as MIDI editor
+ JSFX: Super8: add project-sync mode
+ JSFX: Super8: add button/assignment to cycle selected channel record/play/stop
+ JSFX: Super8: add play-all button (stops all if all active are playing)
+ JSFX: Super8: allow assigning CC/PCs to all things
+ JSFX: Super8: support linking channels
+ Jump to time window: fix jumping to marker 9 [t=233882]
+ Jump to time window: support jumping to take markers
+ Linux: fix reamote-server configuration path
+ macOS: fix Retina/Metal drawing glitch when scrolling master track out of view
+ macOS: add possible Metal fix for drawing glitches after waking up from sleep
+ macOS: improve stretch marker/transient guide appearance on Retina displays
+ macOS: allow attaching debugger to Catalina notarized version
+ MIDI: always refresh banks/programs when loading .reabank/.ins files in MIDI editor and ReaControlMIDI
+ MIDI: fix MIDI export timing when file contains invalid MIDI messages [t=233469]
+ MIDI: fix removing duplicate notes when using input quantize and recording in non-overdub/replace modes
+ MIDI: fix overdub recording with duplicate notes in certain input quantize situations [t=234319]
+ MIDI: fix certain settings (ignore tempo map, CC interpolation PPQ) resetting when file-backed MIDI media goes offline
+ MIDI: fix various pooled file-backed MIDI playback and arrange view appearance bugs
+ MIDI: preserve order and duplicate entries when displaying .reabank/.ins files in MIDI editor and ReaControlMIDI [t=233501] [t=234165]
+ MIDI: support save/load of named sysex messages [t=233856]
+ Media explorer: fix reading final element in ID3v2 tags
+ Media explorer: parse year metadata correctly from ID3v2.4 tag
+ Media explorer: support reading OGG/OPUS/FLAC metadata
+ Media items: support relative snap when moving media item contents [p=2260974]
+ Media item properties: avoid potential precision loss to playrate/pitch when applying settings
+ Media items: adjust embedded cue and take marker drawing when displaying rectified peaks
+ MusicXML: fix exporting mp, mf dynamics
+ MusicXML: respect preference to position dynamics below the staff on import [t=233590]
+ NINJAM: when importing session, improve voice chat, fix timing corner cases, fix possible crashes
+ ReaMote: fix updating remote configuration state for some plug-ins/JSFX
+ ReaNINJAM: add keyboard shortcuts
+ ReaNINJAM: fix global key bindings/vkb in chat field [t=233847]
+ ReaNINJAM: improve chat display accessibility, improve keyboard handling of chat window
+ ReaNINJAM: improve voice-chat playback latency, log voice-chat channels to clipsort.log
+ ReaNINJAM: add options to send local channels and metronome to separate outputs
+ ReaTune: fix potentially incorrect first-time playback when loaded as take FX
+ Recent projects: add option to show file name before path in menu [t=225274]
+ Recent projects: after attempting to open a recent project that does not exist, prompt before removing from the recent list
+ Render: add $filecount wildcard (total number of rendered files in this)
+ Render: document behavior of wildcards like $filenumber[N] in wildcard help dialog
+ Ruler: add preference to adjust ruler label horizontal spacing
+ Ruler: display grid properly with very long measures [t=234218]
+ Save-as: prevent opening new projects from explorer/finder while copying files [t=231954]
+ Screensets: fix restoring horizontal scroll position with screenset
+ Stretch markers: fix marker handle DPI scaling
+ Take markers: add take marker support (mark specific time positions in individual takes)
+ Take markers: support custom text and colors for take markers
+ Take markers: add actions to add or quick-add take markers during playback or recording
+ Theme element finder: fix interactions with theme color tweak window
+ Transport: fix jump to marker menu when the first region precedes the first marker
+ Video: update render extension when changing render format [p=2266396]
+ Windows: support CPU groups for systems with more than 64 logical CPUs (threads)
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P2P | 04 April 2020 | 30 MB This is portable version of REAPER. Cockos REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project)....

P2P | 30 March 2020 | 29.13 MB This is portable version of REAPER. Cockos REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project)....

P2P | 29 March 2020 | 29 MB This is portable version of REAPER. Cockos REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project)....

P2P | 18 August 2019 | 25.4 MB This is portable version of REAPER. Cockos REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project)....
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